

    It's another gorgeous early summer day in the Flat. Hard to believe and particularly precious after so many weeks of dark and rain. No matter how good it looks, though, it'll never look as good to me--or feel as good to me--as Miami did. I'm starting to wonder if I'm a warm-weather girl at heart.
    This is the first view I had of the Atlantic Ocean, after T and I had walked across the beach. (The cruise ship offers visual perspective but was definitely not the point of the photograph.)

     Another shot of the ocean. The colors of sky and water blew me away after the dull Midwestern winter.

      This shows some of the Miami Beach skyline, much of which is multi-colored in pastel shades. It's rather garish and funky and takes some getting used to, but overall I thought it was aesthetically appealing, particularly with the almost unreal blue of the sky behind.

     Proof that we were there--that's T on the left (in jeans) and me (so pale!) on the right.

      Another self-portrait, this one entitled "Legs Sans Seaweed Immediately Before Tide Came In."

     I want to go back.

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