
Feeling Strangely Fine

        I know I've been harping on the weather lately, but after the wettest May on record for this part of the Flat, all this sunshine is making a significant impact on my mood. It's unbelievably beautiful outside right now--68°, sunny, a tiny breeze, cloudless sky--and I woke up early on purpose, on a Saturday of all days, just because it seemed wrong to stay in bed and miss it. That's completely out of character for me. My parents would be thrilled that their slacker daughter seems to finally be conforming to their "early to rise" mentality. It'll all fall apart once it starts getting humid & gross, though, as this state always does in the summertime.
     The long-awaited shopping extravaganza is occurring this afternoon. T & I will trundle ourselves off to the G-burb, one of those "it wasn't there 6 months ago but now I can't find a parking space" faux-small town-looking shopping explosions. (It's not a strip mall, godforbid, but stores that are connected...and a huge parking lot...and lots of them are chain stores...but it's all upscale and obnoxious so that soothes the anti-mall outrage of the suburbanites who moved away from the 'burbs because they didn't want the congestion and they did want that small-town feel.) It's not the ideal trip and it's not the ideal day, because I have a long list of things that I want and she's buying little if anything, and we've only a few hours in which to maneuver for parking spaces around the soccer mommies in their Hummers making assignations with their gardener/pool boy/lovers on their Blackberries....
     [Yeah, women who write are too creative sometimes.]
     I think I've mentioned my bathroom renovation in passing once or twice. It's nearly finished so here are more details. The walls are dark; the color is by Olympic and is called Blue Fjord. The fixtures are bone, so the ceiling paint is also Bone, and the carpeting will be something close to that. (The room is absolutely minute and I'm leaving the carpet to the last choice because it can be a remnant and still be good quality.) The towel bars and all other metal pieces are brushed nickel. The medicine cabinet and all other wooden items are mahogany. It should be finished by Sunday (?) and as soon as the before and after photos are developed I'll post them.
    Time to get ready. Bon weekend, y'all!

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