

    Sometimes things are more than what they seem to be. This afternoon, for instance, was ostensibly about shopping. It quickly showed itself to be more than that, though, as T was feeling "solar powered" from the amazing weather and I rebounded from an early-morning headache that was shocking enough to wake me from a deep sleep and impel me toward the Imitrex. We were both pretty spunky when we arrived at G-burb. An hour and a half later when we left the first store we'd entered--Victoria's Secret--we were looking somewhat bedraggled and sullen. Not because we'd been unsuccessful in our quest for purchases (far from it!) but because I have never in my life tried on so many items of clothing in such a short period of time. It was completely insane. T bought a couple of things that she'd been looking for and managed to keep relatively within her budget ballpark. I went completely out of character wild. Things I needed, things I wanted, and things I let the salespeople talk me into. It was so much fun, but totally crazy. The bag is actually heavy. Now that I've pulled it out of the bag I'm thinking that maybe I went a little overboard, but I think I'll wear all of it. Hmm...
    After VS we headed to Ann Taylor. Not the kind of store at which I shop, although I struggled for the right word to explain my problem with it. T found several skirts, dresses and blouses to try on. Liked a pair of sandals but at $100+ they were beyond silly for the length of time one could use them in the northern summer. She ended up buying a skirt, a tiny sweater shell, and trouser socks. Practical but not boring. And as we left the store, the word that I'd been seeking came to me: precious. The place is too damned precious for me. My shoulders aren't microscopic and I don't like clothes that look like they were designed for infants. She was surprisingly not insulted by what I said, but I think that's in part because she thinks that I dress like an idiot. (We're not all that much alike in that regard.)
    We dropped the bags in the car and hopped off to Barnes & Noble for a snack. Tired feet already. Although we hadn't planned to buy anything, I couldn't get out without indulging in something I wouldn't usually get-- every Better Than Ezra CD that I hadn't owned before. Yup, I got: Deluxe; Friction, Baby; and How Does Your Garden Grow?--all at once. It was partially the "I've already spent a ton of money so what difference will this make?" and partially the "I want it now" impatience and fun of shopping that did me in. Not that I don't love them already; How Does Your Garden Grow? just ended and I'm popping in Friction, Baby now.
    Moving on: J. Jill. I had no real idea that I'd find anything there because I've secretly thought of that store as being the female version of J.Crew--kind of, er, irritatingly preppy and "crisp". But I've asked T to influence my wardrobe more, so we went in and she showed me some things that she thought I should wear. I tried a few shirts: one was hilariously tight, one wasn't bad but perhaps a little more opaque than I'm looking for, and one was just right (thanks, Goldy). I just checked the website and none of them are pictured (dammit) but they do have the anklet that I picked up at the last minute. T got another skirt--a gorgeous raspberry with an overskirt of white embroidered sheer--and a very cute pink cross-over knit shirt. As we hobbled to the car we realized that we should've worn different shoes were both too tired and sore to continue. A pathetic display of weakness, but we're out of practice.
    Stopped at Target Greatland on the way out of town. Nothing exciting there, but we each managed to spend a bit anyway. Then we took an unexpected jaunt through the outskirts of...the outskirts. Quite an indirect route, actually, but home with no trouble.
    Now I'm doing laundry and contemplating a late dinner. What an excellent day.

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