
contemplating Monday

    Background sounds: Listening to the copier repairman (who looks like a repairman, complete with horn-rimmed glasses. Who wears horn-rimmed glasses?!) beat the shit out of the copier.
    Weather: Hotter than fucking blazes. OK, according to weather.com, "77°F, feels like 80°F, Mostly Cloudy, Humidity: 78%." What does that really feel like? Sweat. Like breathing it, seeing it, and particularly smelling it. Blegh. The good thing about it is that it makes staying inside and working a lot easier--no distraction.
    I have some less-than-scintillating things on my To Do list for today and tomorrow. Getting a start on a set of almost-overdue grant reporting forms. Placing on-order records for 3 spreadsheets' worth of items that should arrive within the next couple of days. Neverending goddamned processing.
    At least I'm not across the street at the courthouse trying to weasel my way out of a jury.
    I noticed at 2:00 that I hadn't yet gone to lunch. How does that happen? It's sort of creepy.
    The Cubs played a really great game last night, the second half of the 9th inning notwithstanding. I wonder if they'll be able to keep that momentum, considering that we're into the All-Star Break. Speaking of the Break, I think it's excellent that Carlos Zambrano got the nod since he's one of my co-MVPs for the team for the first half. However, Aramis Ramirez was robbed--what more does a guy need than .326, 15 HR, and 56 RBI for the first half?! It highlights the unfairness inherent in the system.
    And even though I'm complaining about it, I'll still watch (and totally dig--'cause Chicks Dig the Long Ball) the Home Run Derby tonight.

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