
BEST of All Possible News, at an Opportune Time

    No jury duty tomorrow! I called and the message said that all cases scheduled for tomorrow have been settled. No news about what happens next, whether my panel's still available to the court or if we're completely excused. I'm just happy to not have to be there tomorrow.
     Spending a very quiet weekend catching up on some things that've gone undone for too long. Relaxing, for one. As I write I'm watching golf on TV, which I have always loved but this week seems particularly sweet. I'll spare y'all the details but there's a tournament in Flat that has significant implications for the British Open (played next week) and for the Ryder Cup (played in September near Detroit). It's good to have something interesting but not personally compelling to think about when one's own stuff isn't playing out well at the moment. The tournament's not usually so interesting because it's held in the middle of nowhere, at a course south of the QC (less than 100 miles from here, which tells you how close to nowhere I am!). But I'm glad I stumbled on it while flipping channels. I've been to a few PGA tournaments, mostly majors (and have tickets to the PGA Championship which is in Kohler, Wisconsin--near Sheboygan--this August), so the guys who are playing are more than just "people on TV"--they're guys I've seen. Real people.
     Ach. There's no point in going on about something that I know I'll either be teased about (since I know that most people just don't get televised golf) or that will be skipped over anyway. I figured I should give a status report since I knew that my potential jury duty would be at the absolute top of everyone's list of interests this week, eh? Yeah, right.

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