
Thursday Threesome

::If it can go wrong...::
Onesome: If-- Ever hear of that guy Murphy?? If you have a story that can add to his legacy, can you share it here?      It's safe to say this now, right? Everything that could possibly occur to delay, curtail, mess with, confuse, confute, or otherwise fuck with my thesis and the ultimate granting of my M.A. has occurred. Not that I want to ponder it too closely, but I think that there have been five extensions granted so that I won't lose credit for the classes that I took. I've made dozens of phone calls, received several more, and paid hundreds of dollars in postage to mail countless thousands of pages of relatively meaningless drivel to numerous people I've never met. Even now, I've been told that the approval form will be signed before Friday's deadline and I'll graduate, but I don't believe it. Something will go wrong.
Twosome: it can-- What is it that you can never remember to get correct? Is it which way to turn the wrench to loosen the screw? How about directions to that one restaurant? ...or maybe it's people's names? What is it you call for assistance on?    I have a serious brain cramp with spelling "history"--I often put the "s" before the "h". One person used to scold me about putting my ending punctuation outside of my quotation marks, but that's an affectation (or just for emphasis) rather than a true error. And I can do it with impunity now that there's no angel (?) on my shoulder.
    Ah, there is one thing that drives me crazy in this area: a light switch at my parents' house. At least once each time that I visit I'll switch it off thinking that it's the dining room light. It's not the dining room light--it's a switched outlet, and it just happens to be the one with the main computer on it. It causes all hell to break loose when it turns off, and almost invariably startles the crap out of me. Whichever parent is currently playing Free Cell is none too pleased, either.
Threesome: go wrong...-- ..and the big finish: what was the last thing you had go so gloriously wrong that all you could do was just stare in awe at the aftermath? I mean, come on, you can tell us [g]...       I'm not in the best position to answer this question at the moment. I'll take the dodge of the ungodly Cataloging Meeting and fallout that I already recounted here. Nearly dying in a fiery crash on Cherrie Valley Road because I momentarily 'forgot how to drive' seems pretty spectacularly boneheaded.

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