

~ "'If God didn't want us to eat animals,
how come He made 'em out of meat?
(Seen on a bumper sticker, just outside Detroit)"
That's in Vamped by David Sosnowski. I saw it yesterday while cataloging and it made me laugh out loud. Apologies to vegetarians.
~ Drove to work this morning behind a DeK County Sheriff's Department car. Naturally, we were driving 5-10 mph below the speed limit because anyone directly in front of him thought it was a speed test. I was 10 minutes late before I even left the house, so I tried to remain copacetic about the situation. Once we finally lost the losers in front of the cop car, he sped up to 10-15 mph over the speed limit, and retained that ratio all the way to the library (the county building is just beyond). He had no problem with me following him through town, a 25 mph zone, at 40-45 mph. It was excellent. Well, other than when both of us nearly rear-ended a guy in a white SUV who was plunked in the middle of our lane waiting to turn into the local police station parking lot. When I realized what was going on (and when I'd extricated myself from the steering wheel after my quick stop, during which I nearly did a wheelie), I laughed so hard that tears came to my eyes. You've just got to love the irony.
~ Found an absolutely bitchin' job posting last night. The University of Mitten Law Library is looking for a Head of Technical Services. I'm not quite qualified (sigh, I lack the M.L.S.), but it does start at $75,000. Imagine doing what I do, making $75K. What a fucking joke. I actually went to the point of looking at the UM website, to see the intricacies of the job itself. They have another position offered, for a Foreign & Comparative Law Reference Librarian. That requires both an M.L.S. and a JD and the salary's not posted, but it sounds particularly sweet. It made me wonder if there's a place in academia for me after all.
~ But then again, I'd have to dress like an adult more often than not, and I'm really comfortable today in my scruffy linen camp shirt, jeans (hanging off my hips, which are nearing their college size) and Birkies. And my newly lemon (or le mon, depending on your nationality and ability to type) hair. My toes are Sephora #148 (a sort of magenta with a barely bluish tint). Unpolished fingers. New thumb ring--more about that later this weekend, if time permits.
~ Speaking of time, I'm out of it. Bon weekend.

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