
One of the Three

    Alma Mater, law version.
    The ceremonial front entrance. First day of orientation and last day of classes (mortar board tossing) photos are taken on these steps.

[L.S. wide crop]
The windows on the left are the Dean's office. On the right, a seminar room.

[Dean's office windows]

The basement entrance beneath that shown in the first photograph. It leads to the locker anterooms and most of the classrooms. To me, it always looked like descent into a dungeon.


A close view of the vital piece of equipment near the door to the dungeon. Law students have an incredibly high rate of self-destructive behaviors. This photograph was taken less than 2 weeks into the current term.


There are four established 'tiers' of law schools in the U.S., and this one is in the 3rd tier. Can't afford much ivy, but they do the best they can. The leaded-glass windows to the right of the entrance are a student lounge in which I spent innumerable hours staring at the wall wondering what the hell I was doing masquerading as a law student.

[right side of L.S.]

A tight shot of those gorgeous windows. When the sun came through them, the light would filter through in the most magical way, almost making it possible to forget for a moment that one was trapped very deliberately in a peculiarly exhilarating sort of hell.

[leaded windows]

I love this bench. Doesn't it look inviting? The school clearly puts its cash into something other than the outdoor amenities. (The sign is also quite...utilitarian.)

[unfriendly bench crop]

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