
Thursday Threesome #266

::Three Ring Circus::

Onesome: Three- What do you think the T3 should be next week? Just toss three words together; we'll do the rest! *g*
    Seize the day

Twosome: Ring- Are you a jewellery person? Is there any one item you wear every single day? Do you have any piercings? Where are they and did they hurt?
    Oh, yeah. I'm choosing to believe that I'm coming into my own in this area. I wear diamond studs in each hole in each ear--that would be 2 each, by the way. The first pair of holes came about when I was 13. I don't remember it hurting because I wanted it so badly that I couldn't admit to my mom that I wasn't totally grown up. The second ones, done about a year ago, hurt like Hell.
    I also wear a necklace every day from a rotation of 5: a triple strand of liquid silver or a single strand of liquid silver (both from Santa Fe), a double length of leather with two silver drops (from J.Jill, kind of like this), or a clear and blue hand-beaded choker or a cream and green hand-beaded choker. Each comes out for a specific reason. One is a particularly backbone-stiffening, ball-busting,
I Am Woman
sort of thing that makes me feel like I've got the power of all my female friends with me. One is slinky and sexy. One is just a little careless and casual. Another is funky and flirty. The last is sort of careless and slinky at once--and it pinches a little when it catches my hair at the back of my neck. For your perusal....

    I wear a silver ring on my right thumb. Either a wavy, channel-cut thing...

...or a fairly basic round silver band carved with the Chinese characters reading Peace twice on the outside, the English word twice on the inside...

    I haven't had it very long but it's already beat to Hell, scratched and dinged but also softened a bit from being twisted so much.
    There's a rotation of 3 ankle bracelets for my left ankle: the black one from J.Jill (pictured in the Flesh Revealed post); the bells (from the same post), which I've discovered are just too damned loud to wear to work; and a newer silver beaded strand with an oblong freshwater pearl from J.Jill, shown here for the first time....

    I also sometimes wear a leather cord on my ankle, but it's a whim thing and it doesn't last very long. I'm never sure why I'm doing it, it's most often there under jeans, no one ever sees it, and I cut it off and pitch it when I want to wear one of the other ones.
    Finally, my second toe--[and this reminds me, is there a name for each toe, like there's a name for each finger? Because if I was describing this toe as a finger, I'd call it my index toe.]--on my left foot wears a plain silver ring.

Threesome: Circus- Do you like the circus? What's your favorite act? Or is your life enough of a circus for you?

    I've never seen the circus. When I worked at the test prep place in A2, though, I was looking out the front doors one day and saw an elephant walk by on the street out front. As that seemed rather odd, I called to my boss, and he and I sat on the entry steps and watched while an entire circus parade made its way past the Center. As anyone who's been to A2 knows, nothing happens there without a car, so we had all the time in the world to sit there and watch the lions and tigers and bears--and clowns and whatever else. It was very cool. That was the same summer that the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile randomly parked in front of the Center. My weiner-whistle (pictured atop my monitor in this post) was acquired that day.

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