
Thursday Threesome #268

::Ripped from the Headlines::

Onesome: Ripped-- Ripped and torn asunder? Do you have a memorable "ripped clothing" moment in your life? No? How about in someone else's? Come on, you know you have something to contribute!
     This is the perfect moment for the Slimy Rick story!
     I was a sophomore in college. Walking home from the Y one night, I was accosted by a carload of half-drunken idiots who turned out to be a girl named Christine, with whom I worked at my work/study job, and a couple of her friends. They invited me to a party, and although I didn't really know even Christine very well, I agreed. I'd had a really bad day and was looking forward to alcohol in some form--drinking with someone else in the room seemed like a good idea. I walked the rest of the way to my house, changed into my "party clothes," and walked to Christine's apartment, where I hopped into their car and we drove to an apartment in a huge house that had been divided.
     Once at the party, the others introduced me to the majority of the crowd, although I already knew several who were there. I was standing in line at the keg, talking with a couple of guys from my high school, when the strangest sensation crept across the back of my thigh...and up. I was wearing my least reputable jeans, some Levis that were ripped from about 3 inches to the side of the inseam all the way to the side seam--right below my ass. They were very post-Samantha Fox, although they weren't all ripped to shit (that rip and a small one on the opposite knee were it). And the tears had occurred spontaneously rather than intentionally.
     Anyway, that strange sensation was quickly identifiable as a male hand, inside that hole in my jeans! I turned around as quickly as possible, given the obvious impediment, and found someone I'd never met smiling very widely. "Hi, I'm Rick. And you are... stunning!"
     "No, I'm pissed, and you're fucking Slimy, asshole!"
     He retained the "Slimy" as part of his name for as long as I knew him. And he never again made the mistake of putting his hand anywhere near me.
     [Note: I was wearing very cute boxers and standard female accoutrements beneath the jeans at the time.]

Twosome: from the-- From the archives: What's changed on your website over the last year? ...a redo? ...a change of pace? ...or is it still business as usual?
    My blog template has undergone wholesale changes four times.
    My writing...has changed...some.
    I post a lot of pictures.
    I've had the blog for a little over eight months.

Threesome: Headlines-- Are you a Headline Nazi? I mean, do you ever look at a headline and ask yourself, "What were they thinking?" ...or, "What are they trying to say?" Then again, do you have a favorite headline that you'll always remember?
     I don't think too much about headlines anymore. I collected them for a while in college; one of my good friends was a journalist and to see particularly bad examples of them drove her to distraction. She wrote (or, more accurately, allowed the printing of) one of the worst I've ever seen, something to the effect of "Local Man's Hokey Collection to be Displayed."
     It was a hockey collection. Tee hee!

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