
Views on Tattoos

"More than one-third of men and women ages 25-29 have a tattoo, according to a recent Harris Poll. And while almost half of all tattooed women said they feel sexier with the body art, non-inked folks believe tattoos make people look less sexy, less attractive--and less intelligent."

(from an article in Shape by Maryann Hammers, October 2004)
    Well, y'all, what do you think? This is my new poll. Let me know your opinion. Tattoos: sexy? or not? Those who have them: less intelligent? I don't need to know who you are, but let me know with your answer whether you have one (or more) tattoos--and where, on your body, they are. And, for good measure, how you feel about it/them now (positive, negative, or neutral).
     Respond in Comments below or by email to the address at the bottom of the frame. Thanks!

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