
Thursday Threesome 04/09/04

::Girl Scout Cookies::

Onesome: Girl- Girls' (or boys') Night Out- Do you ever just feel the need to drop everything and go hang out with your pals? What do you all do when you go out? Something "wild" like partying at the bar, or something as "mild" as just hanging out at a coffee shop and discussing the latest books you've read? Or do you head over to a pal's house to watch the big game?
    Oh, yeah. Life requires dropping everything sometimes--particularly recently. T and I go "out for tea" once a week at least, although she rarely has tea. She usually gets some foofy coffee thing. We often order some sort of dessert item upon which we nibble while she drinks her coffee and I wait for my tea to cool to lukewarm.
    The cafe is inside a bookstore. We occasionally talk about books, but more often it's the usual 'girl' topics: work (Our Two Libraries--like "My Two Dads" but not quite as sick, or in the same way), clothes (want want want), hairstyles (constantly changing), and guys (exes, crushes, flames, wishes, frustrations, desires, hopes, and dreams). Sometimes we'll page through magazines while we talk, making fun of celebrities. After the drinks are dry, we wander the stacks, shelf-read (you can take the chick out of the library...), contemplate the trends in publishing. The current in cover is jewelry, particularly charm or beaded necklaces. The last was disembodied clothing, like a dress that looks as if it's being worn but with no body shown.
    Eventually, we make our way to the front and then out of the store, and if it's not raining, to one of our cars. We'll talk there for several moments, and then--maybe 15 minutes after coming outside?--we'll actually say goodbye, get into our cars, wave, and go. Complicated, meaningful on many levels, and very important to me. I could not do without it.
    Of course, sometimes we go to a bar or out for dinner or shopping, too. Or driving around, with which I'm more comfortable than she is. (I spent my formative years driving around more often than not, so it's my automatic response to "what should we do?" "I dunno.")
    I have other friends, and there are many things that I enjoy doing, that take up my time. But T's the go-to. 

Twosome: Scout- Were you ever a scout as a kid? Which branch? Did you join willingly or was it something you did because everyone else was or your parents thought it would be "good for you?"
    Screw 'em.

Threesome: Cookies- What's your favorite kind of cookie? What's the strangest cookie you've ever had or heard of but been too afraid to try? And do you buy Girl Scout cookies? Which ones?
    I love cookies. I make the best ones--humble, eh?--and I don't have a favorite. I've had pfefferneuse, which are German pepper cookies, and I think they're too weird. I'll buy Girl Scout cookies but prefer to give them away because they're too crunchy. Soft, gooey, homemade cookies are better.

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