
Movie Reviews

I've watched two movies in the last 3 days. I have 7 more checked out from the lib. (most through interlibrary loan) that are due in a week or less. Guess how I'm going to spend my weekend?

Triumph of the Will was Wednesday's entertainment. It's a documentary of the Nuremberg party rallies in 1934, directed by Leni Riefenstahl. If you haven't seen it, you should. Hearing about Hitler is nothing like watching him speak. It's chilling.

Last night was Shiri, a Korean thriller. It was profusely gory at times, which I generally dislike. However, it was extremely well done, with meaningful rather than pointless violence. And the story was deep, and surprisingly lovely. I highly recommend it.

The next two on the stack are No Such Thing (directed by Hal Hartley, the genius behind Trust) and Breakfast at Tiffany's. There's also a rumor of Casablanca, Shakespeare in Love, and Dead Poets Society. (When will I sleep??)

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