

Most vile concoction in existence: 1-day-old PB&J on Brownberry 100% Whole Wheat made with "reduced fat peanut butter spread" and low-sugar jam. What the fucking hell? That is my lunch?!

Guaranteed to put a damper on one's day: dropping a full shelf of art books on the pad of one's left ring finger.

Funniest line I've heard so far today: "I'll bet there's been some couch-jumpin' in the Cruise household since they got the news...."

Yesterday: 80° and humid. My shortest skirt, weird minty-green blouse, and obnoxious suede sandals. Today: 54°F, feels like 50°F, humidity 44%, wind from WNW at 15 mph. Suede blouse over camisole, jeans, and shoes that look like boots but have soft soles so I feel like a cat-burglar (which is a good thing!). In other words, autumn has fallen.

Oooh, also yesterday: new hair. I had an appointment for color. I was in a sort of snarky mood, so I'd all but convinced myself that I would do "Christina Aguilera" to myself, eyebrow-clashing be damned. When I sprang (good Lord, I just typed "spwang") that on Lori, her [this-is-why-she-makes-the-big-bucks and why-I-love-her] response was, "Mmm, maybe next time." So we took a few minutes and had one of those in-the-mirror conversations about why I wanted to do such a thing to myself, having gone darker (i.e. closer to my natural [mouse-ass brown] color than I've been in years) the last time I was there. I'll spare you the details--suffice it to say, I wanted something "fun".

I got "fun". For sure. In the form of what she called 'slices' of color--I'd call the 2 colors Punky Lemon and Wild Coyote--interspersed with mouse-ass. This way, if I put it up, a slice of Lemon will show over one ear, while a piece of Coyote will streak through the back. It isn't at all weird or obvious, just fun. And, as Dean put it last night, "Oh...my...God...hot." I think that's a good thing.

And it really looks cool with my blue necklace!

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