
does anybody know where I put my...

    I was flipping through the zillion ancient messages in my gmailbox this last weekend, struggling with my conscience over which messages still require replies, which require personal replies (as in, letters or calls or even visits) due to the idiocy of my tardiness, and which have been languishing for so long that to reply would be more insulting than to slink off into the ether. Amidst the clutter of work-related blah blah from The Cat (to which I'd already replied in another forum, nine times out of ten) and 20 messages from the ex about cat-sitting (which has been done), I found something that has me confused. It is a set of query results from WorldCat (FirstSearch). The search is this, for those who will understand this sort of thing: "(au: ocean and au: colour and au: scene and dt="rec") and mt:cda". In other words, I was searching for music CDs (that's the rec & cda parts) in which the "author" (or, in this case, artist) part of the record includes the words "ocean colour scene", although not as a phrase.
     Anyway, there are 10 hits. The top 2 are compilations (Music from the motion picture Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Substitute: The Songs of the Who), and the rest are CDs from Ocean Colour Scene.
    Who in the hell are Ocean Colour Scene? Why did I want them? Where did I come up with the impetus for that search? Does anyone know?? I'm starting to feel a little bit insane about this.
     Oh, and the search was done in September. September! Why did I look for it then, and then not bother trying to actually acquire the CD[s] right away? This is just so odd....

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