
multi-unit hell

11:06 PM. Tea & toast, writing a letter. Cold as fuck outside, snowing, blowing, enough to make a person cold who happens to merely look outside. All I want is to relax. Well, there's one more thing that I want, but that's just not happenin'. So I'm relaxing.
    And then, it starts:
    Across the hall. 11:06 PM What the fuck kind of manners do you people employ?! Where I come from (that would be "planet Earth"), it's considered fucking rude to make sounds that other people can hear from within one's apartment, particularly after, say, 9:00 PM and before maybe 8:00 AM. And yes, there are exceptions.
    Only, this isn't one of them. This is clearly whole-room vacuuming. Perhaps even whole-apartment vacuuming. Goddamn it.
     I fucking hate having neighbors. I ought to live someplace 5 miles outside of town, at the end of a 5 mile driveway with a fence and a gate at each end, posted with enough "Get the Fuck Out" signs to obliterate the sun.
     And a moat.
     With alligators.
[grumble, grumble]

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