
my Sunday, busy Sunday

    Today is one of those oddly busy days, deceptive because it's Sunday and there's nothing going on but I've been running since I woke. Breakfast, newspaper (well, part of it, anyway), dashing to the office for a moment, over to the ex-house to feed the cats, then closing them in a room so I could open the garage door and back my car in...to "move my shit out of his basement." I had some things there, in his palatial, nearly barren basement, and he's apparently decided that he needs the space (every inch) to "organize his move." As if he's going to be moving more stuff than he already owns, 'cause it seems unlikely that he'd use even half of the basement for what he already has. But hey, whatever, he's been nice enough to let me keep the stuff there for all this time, why should I be upset about being told with a couple days' notice that I needed to move 6 heavy boxes of law school stuff that I [still] have no room for, in preparation for his move that isn't happening for probably...4 months?
     So. Guess what's in my car? Yup, 6 heavy boxes of law school stuff, that I have no room for. Unless I'm looking to have 6 coffee tables. There are also probably 50 cookbooks in there. He was the cookbook freak, but it's now up to me to get rid of them. It just doesn't pay to have my job.
     Once the car was packed, I gave the kitties a little more food and headed out. Came home, dragged some of the cookbooks upstairs (the ones that I think I'll actually use, so I'm reasonably motivated to find space for), and started lunch. 'Cause I'm starving, from all that physical labor and the fact that I ate breakfast 6 hours ago. Coke and lemon poppyseed scones. Mmm, the lunch of champions.
     I need to order more parchment. I used the last sheet making the scones. That shoots the idea of making Valentine cookies. Darn.
     My writing group meets for the first time tonight. I can't decide whether I'm dreading it (that's the current front-runner) or excited about it. I've never done anything like this before, so I don't know what to expect.
     My dad will be calling in about 45 minutes. We will talk about their upcoming visit, among other things. Mom & Dad are coming to stay with me next Sunday through Tuesday. Close quarters. Short trip, but close quarters.
     The scones are out of the oven. I'm so hungry that I could weep, so I'm off to eat them, 'til I 'splode.

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