
when reality mirrors psyche

I think that I've mentioned the pending deconstruction of the neighboring building. It happened last week. Early in the morning, for several days running. I got very little sleep last week.

6:17 AM 5-07-07
The majority of the interior had been gutted by this point. Much of the exterior had also been altered--note the railing, askew.

4:22 AM 5-10-07
The front end loader was dropped off bright & early, at 4:15 on Thursday morning. I was so not happy about waking up to the sound of a large machine scraping along a large metal...thing at 4-fucking-15 AM, especially with a TSUG meeting at 9:30. plegh

6:45 AM 5-10-07
I was a little disappointed; they didn't just wallop the building and crush it like on TV. They pecked at it, sidewalk first. Bor-ring!

7:09 AM 5-11-07
Day 2, just after 7:00, they started again. It's OK, though, because I'm usually awake by that time. The new guy (the blond version) had already started bee-beeping his way around the parking lot by then, anyway. The destructo-guys had made good progress (can I call it that?) on the building the day before.

6:12 AM 5-11-07
The wall that the guy is standing, um, on?, came down in a big "woosh". That was cool.

4:14 AM 5-12-07
Yeah. Quarter after 4 on SATURDAY morning, some asshole was outside my window in this machine, digging through piles of bricks and sticks and dirt. Imagine what went through my mind while I took this photo....

5:11 AM 5-16-07
Yesterday, they packed up the front-end loader on its flat-bed at 5:00 in the morning. I was happy to see it go...but it took me only a moment to realize that they don't have all of it. You might have to click through to the larger size of the photo to see this, but just under the blind cord, there is what looks like a little hook on the ground. It is actually part of the machine, and it probably weighs a few hundred pounds.
It's still lying there, tonight.
I hope they don't come back for it in the morning, early.
I think it's going to be a looong summer.

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