
sorry to break it to you, guys, but...

...I'm sorta masculine.
    The Cat posted yesterday about The Gender Genie, a nifty site that will analyze a block of text and, through keyword recognition, determine the likely gender of the author of that text. I ran three samples of my own writing. Much to my surprise, I have discovered that I write...like a guy. Horrors! Here's the proof.
    The Introductory chapter to my MA thesis:
        Words: 2465
        Female Score: 2583
        Male Score: 3525
    The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!
The most overtly sexual thing that I've ever written, to my knowledge:
        Words: 503
        Female Score: 816
        Male Score: 396
    The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!
A "typical" recent page of this blog:
        Words: 1169
        Female Score: 1316
        Male Score: 1480
    The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!
blog    Fascinating--and revealing--that the two that are the most reflective of 'the real me', and the more formal, are also clearly "masculine." I wonder how my actual (i.e. written) journal would score?

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