
why do they always ask if I snore?

[From The Survey Place via Sweet Memes]
  1. DO YOU SNORE? I breathe audibly and my hands twitch as if electrically charged.
  2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER? "I've always avoided fights. I make jokes instead. I tell people what they want to hear in order to avoid a confrontation. I pretend to want things I don't want, and I pretend not to want things I do want. No one gets hurt. Except me. The lines are so crossed and blurred at this point that I don't know what I want. I just know I want it to be easy." [Jill A. Davis, Girls' Poker Night]
  3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? Being left...again.
  5. IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU? I'm getting better at it, so, maybe? There are times when I think I'd go crazy having someone around all the time (or, even if not "all the time," then "whenever he felt like it"). The majority of the time, though, I look at this solitary life and think, "Whose is it? 'Cause it doesn't really feel like mine."
  7. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? Nah. I don't generally sing without accompaniment.
  8. ANY SECRET TALENTS? Oh, indeed.
  9. WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT? The "where" is not nearly so important as the "how".
  10. IS JAY LENO FUNNY? No. He is a mammoth commercial kiss-ass.
  11. CAN YOU SWIM? I could probably keep from drowning--if help was actually on the way--but I'm mostly an inefficient paddler.
  12. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE Donnie Darko? Nope. It's a favorite of various people who've foisted movies upon me in the past, though, so I'd imagine I'll give in at some point.
  13. DO YOU GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE OZONE? Yes. No aerosols with CFCs, recycle my [very rare] Styrofoam and that sort of thing. I'm not a nut, but, yeah, I care.
  14. HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER OF A TOOTSIE POP? Do I look like an owl? My former spouse used to do a thing related to this commercial that was so funny....
  15. CAN YOU SING THE ALPHABET BACKWARDS? As we established in the previous post, I can barely do it forwards.
  16. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON AN AIRPLANE? I was on an airplane several times before I ever flew. When I was a small child, there was an old plane (I think it was an actual fighter, but that might've just been the local BS fed to kids to make them cram themselves into a metal tube) at the park by one of the lakes. I loved it until the time that I sort of got wedged in and had a hard time getting back out. No longer fun.
    Since then, I've flown many, many times. I'm not fond of it, but it doesn't make me queasy like it did at first.
  17. ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? Though I've often wished it, I am not. And I wouldn't trade my brother for anything.
  18. DO YOU PREFER ELECTRIC OR MANUAL PENCIL SHARPENERS? I'm a clicky pencil fan. But if I'm using an old-fashioned pencil, I'll make do with whatever sharpener is there.
  19. WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING? I couldn't do it, but I'll defend the rights of those who do it ethically and safely in any way that I can. When I was a young child, I saw a stand of deer ill with wasting disease, which is a sight that I'll never un-see. And living where I do, of course I've seen too many animals on the highways. I'm glad that someone else can do it.
  20. IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE? That is a good question with no good answer.
  21. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Most of the time, but it really is hard to read at times.
  22. WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO? Seasonal stuff--yellow plants and mold. And ricotta cheese.
  23. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, "I LOVE U"? Literally, "I love u"? Perhaps never. "I love you"? On the phone with D, yesterday, I think. To someone with that meaning? May 10th.
  24. IS ELVIS STILL ALIVE? Good gravy. This reminds me, though, that I did just locate the Tupelo photos. Another vacation post is coming.
  25. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? Scrambled hard, and keep your ketchup away, please. I will also eat hard boiled eggs, preferably warm, but without the yolk. (I can eat yolks only by swallowing them whole.)
  26. WHAT TIME IS IT? 11:39 CDT
  27. DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? Yes, though they are either idiotic, noncomplimentary, or both.
  28. IS McDONALD'S DISGUSTING? The corporation? Or the restaurant? Or the food? No. I've seen worse. I see the good in the bad and the bad in the good--that's what gets me into these messes in the first place.
  29. DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR NECK KISSED? You do not want to hear my answer to this question today. Though perhaps I should bring in a guest commentator on the subject....
  30. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? No. Nothing scary exists in the dark that wasn't there in the light.
  31. WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO? Sad songs, caffeine, and writing.
  33. CAN YOU CRACK YOUR NECK? Yes, though I avoid it.
  34. HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN IN AN AMBULANCE? Yes. I liked it better than most taxis that I've been in, but at 1000 times the price, it's not surprising. I'm also a big fan of pure oxygen.
  36. DO YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE? Well enough to not try & trade it in.
  37. ARE DOGS A MAN'S BEST FRIEND? Men change their minds by the moment, so: whatever. If he says so.
  38. YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE? It's an excellent diet plan.
    No, seriously, I went into my marriage thinking that it was forever. Not "thinking" but believing. No: knowing. And I remember exactly the moment when that changed: we had an argument and he said that if that was the way I felt about it, perhaps we shouldn't be together at all. I just looked at him and he said, "Maybe we should get a divorce." This was 2 years, maybe 3, into the marriage. I literally had not even considered that we would ever think the word "divorce", much less contemplate the possibility, much less threaten it. And from then on, it was always a possibility. And then it was...more than a possibility. And then, much later, it was really only a matter of time. It still came as a surprise to him, but not to me. It was going to happen, but all that remained to be determined was when.
    So, yes, I believe in divorce. I also believe it's something that you choose to believe in, sometimes against your own will.
  40. DO YOU WEAR NAIL POLISH? Um, yeah. But for maybe 2 weeks a year, though, I only wear it on my feet. (Currently "Grape Wall of China".)
  41. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KISSED? Yes. Not in waaay too long--despite all efforts to remedy that situation...JT.
  42. WHAT'S THE MOST ANNOYING TV COMMERCIAL? That obnoxious, anorexic little twerp with the elephant. "It's the mirrors." I have no clue what she's selling, but I always hope that this time the elephant will stomp her body into a lifeless pulp.
  43. DO YOU SHOP AT AMERICAN EAGLE? The Cat and I go into the store every time we go shopping (although apparently it's not as memorable for her as it is for me) and I gape at the men's blue, white, or blue-and-white striped button-downs but we don't buy anything.
  44. WHAT'S ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE? One thing? Just one thing? Nick. Poof!
  45. DO YOU LIKE THUNDERSTORMS? Rain is not so bad, as long as it's not torrential like last week. (3 inches in a half hour! Half of town poured away! And my frigging ceiling leaked again!) Thunder is fine, though I know someone who disagrees. Lightning, I could do without. The wind, though, is not something I like so much. There's the "my cat blew away" story, which apparently I'm just not supposed to tell anymore. But it just scares me, and it doesn't help that somebody I know and like is out in it, willingly.
  46. WHAT WOULD YOU REDO IF ANYTHING? The Cat chose her wedding, which is tempting...but I can't say that. (Why would I redo Cat & Beast's wedding, anyway? How weird and control freaky would that be?!)
    I would have gone to Las Vegas. Conscience be damned. I bought the fucking tickets, after all: I would go to Las Vegas, baby. Yeah.
  47. DO YOU WANT KIDS? No. Just, no.
  48. HOW MANY? There will be a baby in my family in just over a month, if all goes according to plan. Another child in my friend-family is in the works. That's enough for me.
  49. NAMES? No clue on the former. The latter: the last that I heard was "Hello Kitty." But that was her (?) big sister's suggestion.
  51. DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE DEATH PENALTY? It definitely cuts down on the repeat offender thing. But it's yet another good reason for me to not be a judge. I cannot even fathom the moral responsibility of being that kind of certain.
  52. WHAT'S ONE THING YOU WISH THE OPPOSITE SEX WOULD KNOW? The difference between L and M. No, seriously: that buying, writing and sending a card is not the equivalent of selling your soul. It's both just a fucking card, already, jerk and a gesture. It's not a diamond necklace, it's not a lifetime commitment, it's not a leg shackle. It's just a very easy way to say, "Here's something you can keep in that shoebox that pretty much every woman has, to look back on, when you want a little paper reminder that I thought of you even when you weren't standing directly in front of me."
  53. HAVE YOU BEEN IN LOVE? Yes. Though this last one has been a lesson in that.

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