

    A particular childhood quirk is coming back to haunt me. For a shamefully long time I thought that there was a sort of "compound" letter in the middle of the alphabet that was pronounced "elemenopee," thanks to that irritating mnemonic song. I was caught out today when I [sorta innocently] attempted to explain a delicate subject by explaining that different people have different tolerances for appropriate behavior. Boundaries. Standards. And these can be expressed by a sort of system, represented by the alphabet. I know some perfectly well-adjusted [-seeming] married adults who are maybe Gs at the most, which means that they will do/allow/agree to anything within the A-G realm. There are others who, though you might not guess it from their public personae, are more like Ls. Then again, I am good friends with some churchgoing folks who are probably Xs. You just never can tell.
    No, I'm not going to share my limit in this venue.
    The point is that I did share my limit, in this one specific way, with this one specific person, for a very good reason (sorta) and because I absolutely knew that it wouldn't go any further. Only, when I did, I was a little vague on the parameters. The definitions, I suppose.
    And the reason? I sort of messed up my letters in the middle of the alphabet. Does, um, O come before or after Q?
    Sigh. I looked pretty stupid.

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