
late to bed and early to rise

    I was up too late Friday night, tangled in knots of my own creation. Real sleep never did come, because as is often the case I tried to force the demons into submission rather than kicking back and letting them do what they wanted. It was a long, short night.
    And Saturday morning came far too early. Its arrival was announced by the gunning engines of several dozen Harley motorcycles. There is a biker bar on the side street around the corner from my apartment. That street has been under construction for the last several months, however, and is completely closed off. Since then, those using that bar (and the college-y sports bar directly across from it) generally park in the factory lot across the street from me. Because of the layout of the area, any sound reverberates around and between the buildings. There was no way I would sleep through it.
    Here is the scene from my bedroom window:
obnoxious    It got worse before it got better.
    It's happening again, by the way. They're coming out a little later today than yesterday--perhaps because of some blue law about which I was unaware?--but I could definitely do without the sound of gunning motorcycle engines for a while.
    Unfortunately, today is my day to be home, at least for part of the time. I need to read the Trib, finish cleaning the bathroom, and vacuum. If all goes well, I will head out to Borders later, with the intention of getting back here pretty early. I have a large-scale beading project that I want to start. Need to let those demons fly around during the day, so they don't keep me up all night.

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