
want, want, want

The latest installment of my "Amy is a greedy, greedy creature" series:

*the* cutest boots ever Anthropologie Old Chap boots. Expensive, pointless, gorgeous.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may...Sundance sapphire scroll ring. I have wanted this ring for a very long time. I was briefly under the very misguided notion that someone else might acquire it for me. I now realize that if I'm going to have it, it will be because I've bought it for myself.

it gots dots Banana Republic silk big dot pencil skirt. Way beyond adorable. Not that I have anything to wear with it, but...I could buy something. hee hee

mmm, flannel VS Flannel PJ in black/white plaid. Their patterns blow chunks, but the jammies themselves are sooo comfortable, and surprisingly cute. Even if one...buttons...them.

it's different. trust me. Gap French cuffed shirt. Hey! It's a beautiful blue blouse that I don't already own!
all in one!

M*A*S*H - Martinis and Medicine Complete Collection. The whole series and the motion picture on 36 DVDs. Nirvana.

oooh, cute Gap military mini skirt. I think this is fabulous. It would look so good with black boots.

suede bootsAnthropologie Daily Basis boots. Suede, funky, a little silly. They remind me of The Princess Bride. How cool is that?

gypsy jewelry Sundance ball fringe hoop earrings. Another item upon which I've had my eye for a while. I think they'd make fun noises in the winter wind.

a little something to keep me busyApple iPod 160 GB. So I can get no work done. Ever!

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