
to keep y'all occupied while I spin

    I found an awesome t-shirt store online called Dorkeriffic. It reminded me of certain people who read this blog....
    They sell great stuff, including the Tall, Dork & Handsome t-shirt. Hee hee.
tdhI took some quizzes. Surprised? Thought not.

You are 67% Virgo

If I'm not Virgo, what the hell am I?!

You are a 1950's Diva

High heels, pretty dresses, classic makeup...
You're a feminine beauty who knows how to play up her assets!

Um. Yeah. Fuckin' right! {she grunts, as she digs under her nails with a paperclip and swills some Coke.}

Your Extroversion Profile:

Assertiveness: Medium
Friendliness: Low
Sociability: Low

Activity Level: Very Low
Cheerfulness: Very Low
Excitement Seeking: Very Low

That's what makes me so dateable and appealing. Ack!

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