
rainy Friday blues

Things I learned today, ver. 9.21.07:
  • The flippy A-line skirt from H&M that I got when Heidi was in town cannot be worn when it's windy. It will not stay down. It will flip up. Just in the block or so from the car to the office, I was very much challenged to keep the damned thing from turning completely inside-out. It was almost funny.
  • A corollary lesson: I had known two good reasons to always choose attractive, flattering underclothes. Now I have a third: one never knows, when one wears a skirt like the one I did today, when one's underclothes will inadvertently become outerwear.
  • Trust is for suckers. Yes, I knew that before. Yes, I had convinced myself that it wasn't true. Yes, I deserved to learn it again, the hard way.
  • Sleek called off plans for Monday. He has a legitimate reason, but I can't say I'm not disappointed.
  • I have a date on Saturday night. I didn't technically learn it today, but I admitted it to another person today, which makes it "really true."
  • The "good E" has become the "bad E" and the "young E" has become the "good E". Are we clear? If not, The Cat may be able to draw a map....
  • I need more sleep. I came home from work at 5, sat down on the couch, and promptly fell asleep. Woke up at 7:30 absolutely starving and very confused. Why am I sleeping in a skirt and heels? Why am I sleeping on the couch? Why is it nearly dark at 7:30? Where am I supposed to be? Why am I starving? I changed into jammies, had some cereal, IM'd with Sleek, and all is better now.

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