
hear her playing that same old song

I need a boot budget
~ Terrible sports day.
~ Late summer cold.
~ There's been a fly in my apartment for 3 days. I finally killed it this afternoon.
~ I've behaved badly toward two people this week and need to remedy it, and I'm not sure how.
~ Glanced out the front window this afternoon - random guy who had parked in the SWC lot was standing next to his truck. It took a moment to realize why he was standing next to the truck, not getting back inside: he was peeing. on the ground. next to his truck. in the parking lot. of my building. on the side of his truck. facing my apartment. in broad fucking daylight. I was so far beyond stunned, I could barely regain the presence of mind to turn my head, but it was absolutely necessary to prevent me from ralphing right there.
~ My parents have not shown up, and they've not called to tell me when they're coming. If they're here next weekend, they will obliterate several plans that I've made, and seriously piss me off. They refuse to behave like normal parents!
~ I'm trying to stop spending money like I've got the key to the mint. Guess what I found? Yup, another pair of awesome boots. These are Ariat Challenge Spanish-style riders.

[the title quote is from "Bad Day" by Fuel, from Something Like Human]

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