
seven on Thursday

  1. Last Tuesday night, I thought I'd been given the chance to start something that I'd wanted for about 5 years. Be careful what you wish for. I don't know that I've ever so clearly been owed an apology.
  2. I nearly blew up the laptop loading CDs & photos into the iPod last night.
  3. I've had a migraine for 2 days.
  4. In 15 minutes I am leaving for an evening with Nick's family (sans Nick) - the first since we broke up.
  5. Over the last 2 days, I have eaten approximately 8 cupcakes. I like cupcakes.
  6. I spent about half of today negotiating by email with 'Warehouse'. We were sorting out the parameters of our non-relationship into a mutually satisfactory arrangement. I think we have it settled... for today.
  7. It is October 4. 6:06 PM. Current temperature: 79°, feels like 80°. How weird is that?!

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