
all over the map

  • Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink? No. I'm 5'4" tall. I can barely reach the kitchen sink. I do have a funny picture of a [female] friend from college doing this (meaning, shaving her legs in a kitchen sink), though.
  • Does anything hurt on your body? Not on; in.
  • Have you ever driven home drunk? Yes. For about 3 years straight, I did it maybe 4 nights a week. And quite a lot after that, too. Did I ever claim to be without faults?
  • When was the last time you cried? Yesterday afternoon.
  • Why? A friend responded to a rhetorical question thoughtlessly.
    A: "Why [is it that] when you want to forget someone, EVERYTHING reminds you of them. Even the wind seems to whisper their name."
    M: "Usually because the person you want to forget becomes the anthropomorphization of your self-esteem, quietly mocking you when you’re most vulnerable."
    Nothing like a body-blow to remind you that you're alive.
  • How many keys are on your keychain? 6
  • What are they for? Car, apartment hallway, apartment door, apartment mailbox, work, Fluffy's
  • Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes. Stupid fucker.
  • What do you want? Another chance.
  • What do you want to eat? At the moment: nothing.
  • What do you want to buy? If I wasn't cold and lazy, I'd buy milk and cereal tonight.
  • What's the last movie you saw in theaters? Hannibal Rising. {{{gag}}}
  • Have you ever woken up in someone else's bed? Heh. Uh, yeah. Do you want a list?
  • What's the latest time you have come home this week? 6:30 PM, which isn't really so late unless you consider that I've only worked 2 nights this week.
  • Do you love someone? Yes.
  • Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you saw with their shirt off? Nick
  • Are you friends with any gay/bi people? Yes. Tho "bi" is under debate.
  • Who's birthday is closest to today? The Cat!
  • What do you want for your birthday? To be happy for some unbounded period of time.
  • What do you need right now? grace
  • Write three words that describe you now: Sad; hollow; tired
  • Did you ever want to be a model? Only if it pays well - I'm broke.
  • Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have? right the fuck now.
  • When was the last time someone flirted with you? God knows. I sure don't.
  • Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes
  • Have you ever hung out with someone you can't stand? Every day at work.
  • Have you ever had a chipotle? Not intentionally.
  • What's the best Halloween movie? Eh.
  • What are you looking forward to? Cuddling the Drakester & fam this weekend. Getting through Mad-town twice without losing it. Seeing Adam & Eric & Aim & maybe 2:00....
  • Why? It's been too long. And I need to do it, to know I can. And friends will help break the spell.
  • What would you say if someone that you like right now asked you out? It depends. The right someone? "Maybe. Do you mean it this time?" The wrong someones? "Thanks, but no."
  • Who is most likely to call you at 2:00 in the morning? The right someone...? I don't know. Maybe Nick?
  • Would you answer? Yes. I can't not.
  • How many pairs of sunglasses do you have? One. (There are a couple of crappy pairs in the car, but they don't count.)
  • What did you do the last time you were home alone? Uh, I'm home by myself all the time.
  • Do you ever think about who you're going to marry? Not so much. It's rather speculative.
  • Have you ever watched The Real World? Not for a very long time.
  • How much cash do you have on you? Bodily = $0. In wallet = $106.37
  • Do you need to buy gas? Yup - perpetually. I'm at about 1/5 tank.
  • What's your favorite fast food place? Eh.
  • What's the third and seventh texts in your phone? 3rd = "Random text message!!!" There are four in all.
  • When was the last time you were bleeding? Today. Papercut from book called Whatever You Do, Don't Run. Irony much?
  • Are you tan? Nah, but my left arm is still freckly.
  • Are you upset with anyone? Yes.
  • Who? The Engineer. But really, me.
  • Can you snowboard? No.
  • Do you love Skyla Brothers? Who--? In other words, no.
  • Write some song lyrics from the song you are listening to:
    This is where I fly
    She didn't stand a chance
    And here is where I die to tell her
    It's out of my hands

    The truth is it doesn't have to end
    Meet me in the middle and we'll do it all again
    The truth is that life begins to bend
    Around itself and turns before it comes around again*

[From The Cat, who got it at Kwizgiver]

*Sister Hazel, "Truth Is", from Absolutely

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