
fantasy chickens...I mean feathers

    Sometimes, in my work, I catch a line that really makes me want to read whatever's temporarily taken up residence on my desk. At the moment, ironically, that is a fantasy novel called Eric by Terry Pratchett. I've never before had even the slightest urge to read fantasy, and this isn't the typical unicorns and flowy-haired hippie-woman fantasy anyway. It's more what I would term "weird fic."
    Anyway. The line? Actually a footnote. As follows:

* Just erotic. Nothing kinky. It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken.

    Noted from this:

    Only the Librarian was cool. He was also swinging and hanging out.
    This was because he'd rigged up a few ropes and rings in one of the sub-basements of the Unseen University Library--the one where they kept the, um, erotic * books.

    I'm not likely to follow up on this urge to read it, but it certainly does pique my interest.

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