
finally--the truth! or is it...?

Your Score: FDWS - The Deceiver 
    Pay no attention to the numbers; it is the meaning behind them which matters... 
    Your elements are Fire, Darkness, Water and Spirit. Attributed entirely to the "soft", spiritual elements, you may well seem to be a "soft" person, always there for other people, concerned with their well-being, interested in their affairs, there when they need a supportive friend to help them through dark times. In all probability, this is a complete sham; at best, you are lying to yourself by believing you care more than you actually do, and at worst, the whole thing is just a pretense designed to catch others when they're vulnerable. You can't stand being tied down to others' emotional baggage, so when your patience for nudging them into your confidence runs out, you're liable to just disappear and leave your former confidants devastated. . 
    Note: Your Void value is not figured into the categories as OKCupid will not allow enough categories for that. However, Void serves as a measure of neutrality or complexity; the more ambivalent answers you gave, or the more questions you were unable to satisfactorily answer and thus skipped, the more Voidly you are. Persons with low Void scores answered very decisively and thus tend to cleave closer to the stereotype of their category, while a person who is strong with Void understands that life is too complex to divide among eight influences, and either is aloof from all of the elemental stereotypes, or combines many opposing aspects. In general, the lower your Void score, the more accurate my assessment of your persona ought to be. If this is not the case, let me know and I'll revise the test in hopes of more accurate answers. If you scored high on Void, your categorization will probably seem simplistic, but that's okay; a strong command of the Void will take you farther in life than any amount of advice from me anyway. 

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