
grumble, whine, whinge, complain

* Two favorite garbage email subjects of the day, which arrived simultaneously:
"Want a mate? Call to chat."
"Dirty, dirty! Clean your colon."
    Honestly, they sound equally unattractive at the moment.
* It's fucking snowing again. I am sick to death of snow and ice and wind and cold. 
* If I could marry a Simpsons character, it would be Groundskeeper Willie.
* Some [congenial] colleagues and I were discussing the sort of punctuation and arrangement system that goes on in our line of work, and how funny it is to apply it to musical groups. For instance:
~ Fighters, Foo
~ Day, Green
~ Nails, Nine Inch
~ Horizon, Vertical
* My head hurts and I'm vaguely angry. I think I'm in love...or at least very wound up over someone...who doesn't seem to know that I exist that way.
* Monday = day off = acquisitions meeting with the Cat. Finally, something to which to look forward!

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