
me, me, me. blah, blah, blah.

[7:13 PM]
Name: Amy
Nickname: the usual suspects--Aim, Aimster, Gerb...
Birthday: [redacted]
Birthplace: [redacted]
Current mood: Trying valiantly to forget the throbbing headache that has returned.
Current music: "Life Got in the Way" (Sister Hazel), a la iPod
Current taste: Republic of Tea Apricot decaf
Current hair: Blond! It returned this afternoon
Current clothes: Gray long-sleeved t-shirt, a gift from the Big Banana's last trip to Hawaii. She leaves for another early tomorrow morning. Teal & turquoise flannel PJ pants. NB ankle socks.
Current annoyance: Headache. Neighbors. Throwing away my Pepper Steak, thinking it was Matt's Scallops & Something, last night. So much for leftovers!
Current smell: Apricot tea and beaucoup hairspray from the salon experience.
Current thing I ought to be doing: Repotting the Dwarf Sansiveria that's been plunked in the middle of the living room for the last four days.
Current desktop picture: None. At work, I've been using that at right
Current favorite band: Sister Hazel. Or Train. Or Limp Bizkit. Or...
Current book: Essential Zen.
Current CD in stereo: No stereo. I'm shuffling Sister Hazel on the iPod
Current crush: The stubborn 'U'.
Current favorite celeb: Jet Li. Or Julian McMahon. Or Ben {throb}. Or...
Smoke? Not lately. 
Do drugs? Despite my desires, no.
Have sex? Not so much. It's not exactly a conscious decision or life plan, though.
Give oral sex? Likewise.
Receive oral sex? And again.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? Not for a while. There are recurring themes (dogs, heights, etc.) but not a literal repeat performance.
Remember your first real love? Oh, yeah.
Still love him/her? Hardly.
Read the newspaper? Sunday mornings.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? Yes.
Believe in miracles? Of a sort - when you're least expecting it.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Definitely.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? I act much more tolerant than I feel, but my intolerance is almost always specific rather than general. (One exception: home-schooling.)
Consider love a mistake? Love? No. The making of same? Definitely.
Like the taste of alcohol? Depends on the day, which is a scary revelation in itself.
Have a favorite candy? Yes, but that also depends on the day. (Am I the most relative person to walk the Earth?) Today: peanut M&Ms.
Believe in astrology? I believe it exists. I believe that some things are more than coincidental.
Believe in magic? Only the emotional kind. Is that pathetic?
Believe in God? I hope so.
Have any pets: No.
Got to or plan to go to college? I went to college for 4 years, grad school for either 2 or 10, and law school for 3. Strangely enough, I'm in one of those periods where I'd die to go again. Ph.D. in English? M.A. in Philosophy? M.F.A. in Writing? LL.M. in Intellectual Property? Who knows.
Have any piercings? Yes. Thank God I didn't have access to someone who would pierce me today; I'd have gotten a few more.
Have any tattoos? Not yet. Damn it.
Hate yourself: Just this morning, in fact.
Have an obsession? Let's put it this way: I have a few repeating thoughts.
Have a secret crush? Yes and no.
Do they know yet? No, and no [and never will].
Have a best friend? Indeed.
Wish on stars? Every now and then. What could it hurt?
Care about looks? Sometimes. Sometimes very much. Sometimes not at all.
Love life
First crush: Brad
First kiss: Earl
Single or taken? Dreadfully single
Ever been in love? No doubt.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Theoretically, there could be that kind of psychochemical reaction between two people. I think the gradual is a bit more likely, and likely to survive.
Describe your ideal significant other: Independent and encouraging of independence. Capable of accepting—anything—graciously. Faithful. Kind. Funny, with an ironic and sarcastic twist. Willing to lead, most of the time. Grown up but inherently resistant to acting his age. Tolerant. Caring deeply about something. Seriously desiring the state of desiring and of being desired. Unfussy. Unafraid.
=Juicy stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? Yes
Have you ever been intoxicated? Yes. Not so much within the last few days. Er, four days.
Favorite place to be kissed? Indoors.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": I'm not sure if the guy on the bulldozer could actually see what...could, potentially, actually have been seen. But Renee definitely - never mind. "Yes."
Are you a tease? Not in person.
Shy to make the first move? Definitely - at first.

Word association
Rubber: Ball (Bobby Vee song)
Rock: Boat (Sister Hazel tour)
Green: Jeans (coworker T's nickname for me. No, I do not own green jeans.)
Wet: Nap (mmm, ribs!)
Cry: Rain
Peanut: M&Ms!
Hay: Fever
Cold: Sore (eew)
Steamy: McDreamy
Freaky: Deekily
Rain: on me
Bite: Me!
Fuck: Me! (hee)
Blow: Me! (hee, hee)


Hair: 3 inches shorter than it was at 3:00. Blond with red lowlights. A bit "salon-styled" for my taste.
Eyes: Very, very blue (with the migraine they get more so)
Height: 5'4"


Bought: shampoo & conditioner at the salon
Ate & Drank: leftover cashew chicken (no cashews in the bottom half! wtf?!) and apricot tea
Read: A Valentine card and letter from my parents. Awww.


club or houseparty: House.
beer or cider: Beer.
drinks or shots: Drinks. (Shots = bad.)
cats or dogs: Cats, baby!
single or taken: still goddamned single. Thanks for reminding me.
pen or pencil: Pen, 95% of the time. Clicky pencils the rest.
gloves or mittens: Gloves, usually. I have some awesome mittens from my hometown, though.
food or candy: Food
cassette or cd: CD


Dated one of your best friends? I dated someone who became my best friend. Then married him. Then, y'know. (I guess that in HS I tried this, and it just never happened.)
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? In a sense.
Drank alcohol? Yes. If I didn't feel like I've been kicked in the face by a donkey, I'd be drinking right now.
Done drugs? Yes, but not lately. Talked about it last night, though.
Broken the law? Yes
Run away from home? No
Broken a bone? Yes.
Played Truth Or Dare? Yup (though it was usually "truth, dare, double-dare, promise, or repeat")
Kissed someone you didn't know? Yes. I wonder where Rob-from-Austin is these days?
Been in a fight? Only verbally.
Come close to dying? I suppose, in a sense.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? Dunno. I like my music. Young MC, maybe?
What is your bedroom like: Full of plants, books, and a big, white bed.

talked to, face to face: Lori
IM'd: The Cat
hugged: uh, Nick?
kissed: er...
had a serious conversation with: Fluffy
yelled at: a colleague
befriended: Probably the bigwigs at work count for this. In person, for real? I gave a CD to Harley (at work); does that count?

What's on your bedside table? Box of jewelry, lamp, tissues, clock, glass of water, 3 rocks, hand lotion, a pen, and my journal.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? Cereal.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? Ghost
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? n/c
What feature are you most insecure about? Today? Don't get me started.
Do you ever have to beg? Only for help at work. Yargh.
Are you a pyromaniac? Not really.
Do you know anyone famous? I slept with someone who's worth $8 billion; is that sufficient?
Describe your bed: Serta Bainbridge pillow-top Queen with a split box, on a plain metal super-frame. Sheets are currently..."biohazard green." Four pillows. Down comforter with white flannel cover. White box-pleat skirt.
Spontaneous or plan? I plan. I seek the spontaneous.
Do you know how to play poker? Yes. I pretty much suck.
What do you carry with you at all times? Keys. Phone. Usually the journal+pen thing. I always wear a toe ring - does that count?
How do you drive? Perfectly. hee

at their prespective times

What do you miss most about being little? Running, endlessly.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? It depends. Would there be anything specific to use the time?
What color is your bedroom? Plain vanilla walls. Oatmeal Berber carpeting. Maple furniture. White comforter. Bio-Green sheets.
What was the last song you were listening to? "Thank You" (Sister Hazel)
Do you talk a lot? I guess so, but only in my head.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? Not today. Ask again tomorrow.
Do you think you're cute? Not today.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? No.
Do people in general annoy you? Fuck, yeah.
Pick a word that describes you best: Reactive
[7:54 PM - from The Cat; see also this post]

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