

  • If you were one of the Seven Dwarfs, which one would you be? Doc
  • Have you ever thrown popcorn at someone and then pretended it wasn't you? Doubt it – I’d likely take credit for that one.
  • Have you ever flown first class? Yes. It was lovely.
  • Would you rather surf in California or ski in Vermont? I’d rather *go* to California. I’ll leave the surfing to someone who strongly desires it.
  • What is one topping you MUST have on your pizza? Tomato product. I don’t like “white pizza.”
  • Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction books? Yes
  • Would you rather read books or magazines? Books
  • Have you ever seen a shooting star? I don’t think so.
  • Have you ever had your cheek pinched by a relative? Doubt it. My extended family isn’t too demonstrative, even in this way. I’m sure that some of my friends have pinched my cheeks, though. They’re those sorts of cheeks.
  • Have you ever torn your pants in public? Not that I remember, at least not in the “traditional” way. I’ve had some jeans that were blown out become ...irretrievably broken... in public.
  • Do you know how a bill is passed in Congress? Yes, thanks to Schoolhouse Rock.
  • Do you know the difference between a conjunction and an adjective? Yes. Duh.
  • How many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2-3, depending on the specifics of the day and what I’ve eaten.
  • Do you chew on ice? Not if I can help it.
  • Do you watch TV or read before bedtime? Usually
  • Are you allergic to anything? Yes. All narcotics, and ricotta cheese.
  • How many times a week do you wash your hair? 4-5
  • Do you own any plaid pants? Yes. They are pajamas.
  • Have you ever been in a natural disaster (flood, hurricane, etc.)? Yes
  • Have you ever had food SO bad in a restaurant that you sent it back? No
  • Have you ever touched a live chicken? I don’t think so.
  • What about a live turkey? No – turkeys are fucking mean, so I’ve always avoided them. Just like swans.
  • Do you sleep in pajamas? No, but apart from actual sleep I pretty much live in them at home.
  • Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Yes
  • Did you just try it? No
  • What is the opposite of a hamburger? Steak
  • Do you talk in your sleep? I don’t think so.
  • Have you ever played in the rain? Yes, but the thought of doing that right now actually hurts.
  • Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean? Yes, but it’s been ages.
  • If you didn't have [a knife], what would you use to spread butter on bread? A spoon.
  • Have you ever swallowed your gum? Yeah. Not recommended.
  • Have you ever been ice fishing? Yes. Likewise not recommended. There were vehicles on the lakes in my hometown last weekend.
  • Where is the most inappropriate place your cell phone has rang? It depends on what you mean by “inappropriate.” It rings at work but I rarely answer it there. It has rung with a dedicated tone at times when I could not talk to the person who was calling, because of who I was with at the moment. I guess the time that it rang full-blast when I was at the library was pretty bad.
  • Have you ever called 911 by accident? No. How...?
  • Have you ever gone white water rafting? No. Ick.
  • Have you ever faked sick? Yes. I may be paying for that deception right now.
  • How many times have you broken a bone? Once, verified.
  • Can you do a flip on a trampoline? No
  • Have you ever surfed? No
  • Have you ever fallen off a horse? No
  • Have you ever had anyone tell you that your fly was open? I’m sure. I’m a little paranoid about it now.
  • Have you ever successfully pogoed on a pogo stick? Maybe one bounce before I sproinged off to the side and injured myself.
  • Do you eat breakfast? Definitely
  • Would you rather shave your head or stop talking for a year? I could shave my head with no problem.
  • Have you ever sleepwalked? Not that I know of.
  • Can you flip your eyelids up? Yup. Handy when you wear contacts and have very long hair...and very large eyes.
  • Are you double-jointed? I don’t think so.
  • Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair? Yup
  • Have you ever thrown up after a rollercoaster ride? No, because I’ve never been kidnapped and forced to participate in a rollercoaster ride.
  • Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit? No
  • Can you pick things up with your toes? Yes. Hee!
  • Did you just try to do it? No
  • How many foreign countries have you visited? Zero
  • Would you rather clean the bathroom or the kitchen? Bathroom. It’s so much smaller!
  • Have you ever jammed a puzzle piece into a puzzle to "make it fit” ? No. That is a slippery slope, my friend.
  • Would you blow your nose at the dinner table? Sure. I generally eat alone.
  • Have you ever slipped in the bathtub? Yup
  • Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? Not yet.
  • Have you ever made a semi truck honk? Yes. Only once in a bad way. Usually it’s just “Hi” or “Yes, you can merge in front of me, girly in little girly car.”
  • Would you prefer to go through life with a huge nose or crossed eyes? Nose
  • Would you rather jump into a dumpster or a vat of honey? Honey, assuming it’s not deep enough to drown in. I’m not a great swimmer and considering what my lungs feel like right now, drowning would be a bad way to go.
  • What is your favorite breed of dog? Beagle. But really, mutt.
  • Have you ever licked the tip of a ballpoint pen? Yes. It doesn’t help make the ink run.
  • Have you ever eaten frog legs? No. Ish.
  • Your absolute favorite shirt is dirty. Would you still wear it? Dirty: yes. Smelly: no.
  • Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole? Yes. It’s been 30+ years, though.
  • Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk? Yes
  • What did you call your baby blanket? Baba
  • Have you ever worn bell-bottoms? When I was a child.
  • Guys: Have you ever been in the ladies' room? / Girls: Have you ever been in the men's room? Sure
  • Have you ever smelled your own feet? Not simply for the aesthetic joy – there are times when a qualitative measurement must be made.
  • Did you just smell them? No
  • Have you ever broken a mirror? I don’t think so, but that reminds me of a great line from Steven Wright: “I broke a mirror in my house and I’m supposed to get seven years’ bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five.”
  • Have you ever fallen asleep during a movie in the theater? Definitely
  • Have you ever bathed a dog? No. One of the benefits of never owning a dog (at least while I was old enough to bathe it).
  • Have you ever used a slingshot? Yes
  • Have you ever gotten something stuck up your nose? No
  • Have you ever sucked your thumb? Not since I was maybe 4-y-o.
  • Can you read while traveling without getting sick? Not really. It doesn’t make me “sick” but it intensifies the uncomfortable head-feeling that I sometimes get. I usually just look out the window (on land conveyance) or force myself to sleep (on airplanes).
[from The Cat]

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