
this may have cured my desire for a bit

2501. What image, scent, memory, etc. would you take with you into the dark/light, the land of dead, heaven, infinity....? [the cat] H, treading on my shoulder, purring, and rubbing her cheek against mine. 
2502. Who is the most annoying musical artist EVER? Celine Dion 
2503. If you HAD to go to one of the following concerts, which would it be:
Snow Vanilla Ice (he makes me laugh) NKOTB Milli Vanilli (their "crime" was not in sucking musically, but lying about their cover voices) BSB NSYNC
2504. Do you believe in manifest destiny? In a sense, very much so. 
2505. Have you ever fallen for an email forwarding hoax (send this to 13 people and Old Navy will send you a $200.00(100 pound) gift card)? Do you ever think 'well, maybe...' and actually forward those damn things? God, no. 
2506. Let's say there are 2 schools, one for boys and one for girls. They are both supposed to offer the same facilities so that the girls and boys get equal education. Would you take this to mean that the same courses should be offered to both girls and boys or that the same amount of money should be spent on each school? Same courses: not necessarily. I wouldn't say that any two schools should out of hand offer exactly the same courses. Same money: definitely. It's up to the administration and its customers (i.e. students and parents, teachers, community in general) to determine the best use for the money that they have.Imagine that in the boys school fifteen boys sign up for calculus. In the girls school only five girls sign up for calculus. Should the girls calculus class be dissolved and replaced with an easier one? That assumes that girls don't sign up for calculus because it's "hard," which is a simplification of the analysis. While acknowledging that minimum class size is a consideration, I should think that five students is adequate to keep the class running. 
2507. Would it bother you if you found out that the fruits, vegetables, and meat that you eat is genetically altered (in lots of cases it is!)? Bother? Yes. Inspire me to action? Probably not. 
2508. What does this world need? A refresher course in basic common decency and the Golden Rule. 
2509. Is there anything you do just because you want to even though it has no redeeming social value? I'm pretty fond of blogging for no good reason, but my real answer to this is 'animated television for adults.' 
2510. If you drink what kind of drunk are you? If I'm with a lot of people, I'm fucking hilarious. If I'm with one person, I'm incapable of not talking too much. And if I'm alone, I'm almost inevitably morose. 
2511. Do you ever 'conveniently' forget something you don't want to remember? Sure. Isn't that a basic human defense mechanism? 
2512. If you have any cousins, are you close? I have 43 first cousins. 95% of them live in the county in which they were born, which is 250 miles away. I was the first to graduate from college...and law school...and graduate school. Most of them are married and have a number of children, and four have grandchildren. I am, without a doubt, a freak of nature in my family. 
2513. Are you in love with yourself (your beautiful self)? I think I'm acceptable in most ways, but I certainly wouldn't go this far. 
2514. What was the first movie you got on DVD? Much Ado About Nothing 
2515. If you're sexy and you know it clap your hands. Did you clap? Uh, no. But mostly because I think this question/direction is very bizarre. 
2516. Have you ever called a:
psychic hotline? suicide crisis line? sex line? (college party fun) dating line?
2517. Have you ever placed a personal ad anywhere? Not unless OkC counts, which I very much hope it does not. 
2518. Do guys look good in make up? Certain of them, for the right reasons, with care - yup. 
2519. What are 5 things you don't care about? Science, math, financial planning, anyone else's reproductive attempts, and you can decide the last. 
2520. What are you going to do until you die? Sit quietly and wait. What do you think?! 
2521. What 'issue' do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view? The difference between 650_0, 655_0 and 655_7. (Apologies and some envy to those who have no clue to what that refers!) 
2522. What age do you hope to live until? The number doesn't matter. I'm reconciled. 
2523. Do you like to tie others down during sex? Hee Have you ever been tied down? Hee hee 
2524. Do you own any "toys"? Ha Do you ever use them? Ha ha 
2525. Have you ever been spanked in that sexy way? Har Have you ever spanked anyone else? Har har 
2526. Do these questions make you uncomfortable? My actual answers come closer to that descriptor than do the questions. Do you like that feeling? Whoever wrote this survey is incredibly juvenile and borderline stupid. Does it turn you on? Answering questions posed by some anonymous stupid person? Not so much. 
2527. You know those ___ for dummies books (Computers For Dummies, Surfing For Dummies, Golf For Dummies, Wicca For Dummies)? Of course.Which one do you need to read? Financial Planning for Dummies. 
2528. What do your socks look like? I'm not wearing socks. My feet look like the sexiest feet on the planet, of course. (My nails are "Russian Navy" today.) 
2529. Which of these really famous music artists started their career as a mime:
Alice Cooper David Bowie Bruce Springsteen Moby Jewel Frank Zappa
2530. Does love float away if you let go? I damned well hope so. 
2531. Do you think that most people in today's society are:
having fun?
coming up with new ideas?
able to think for themselves?
able to really connect with others?
If you answered no to any of the above, why do you think that is? I'm sure I was overly generous with that account. Why aren't they peaceful and intelligent, etc.? Because they're lazy and untrained and will expend as little as possible in order to get what they want. 
2532. Do you believe that every action has a sexual motive (think Freud)? No - and that's a vast oversimplification of his theories. 
2533. Speaking of Freud, did you know he was on drugs (think cocaine)? Who wasn't? 
2534. Do you trust psychology as a valid science? Yes. I don't trust all psychologists, but the science itself is as "valid" as physics and in a lot of ways a fuck of a lot less dangerous. 
2535. ID: In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands for immediate satisfaction of primitive needs (sex, food, aggressive behavior, drugs, alcohol, yelling, anger, fighting). SUPEREGO: In Freudian theory, the division of the unconscious that is formed through the internalization of moral standards of parents and society, and that censors and restrains the ego. So, which one do you express more, your Id or your Superego? As with most functioning adults, I obey my superego more often than not. Which do I "express" more, though? Id. Definitely. 
2536. Do you think that people who are alone and depressed are depressed because they are alone or alone because they are depressed? Seeking solitude (or whatever alternate term you wish to use) can be both a symptom and a result of clinical depression. 
2537. Can you complete any of the following lyrics: I stop and I stare too much, afraid that I care too much......And I hardly dare to touch, for fear that the spell may be broken (Depeche Mode - "Sweetest Perfection") You're a new and better man, he helps you to understand, He does everything he can, he's.... Took the needles from my arms and put them to the sky...Top Gun shut down your Firm like Tom Cruise.... Don't you take it so hard now, And please don't take it so bad.... 
2538. How about these? From around the way, born in '73, Harcore B-boy named... And this feeling shivers down your spine, Love comes in colors I can't deny.... Before he hung up the phone he took a deep breath, stopped, and replied.... When I want you in my arms, when I want you and all your charms, whenever I want you all I have to do is...Dre-eee-ee-am, dream dream dream (The Everly Brothers - "All I Have to Do") Silly games that you were playing, empty words we both were saying... 
2539. Have you ever been to see a ballet? No 
2540. What is the difference between Satan and Pan? The Cat explained this a zillion times better than I could, so I'll just say: Satan = red, Pan = green. 
2541. What should a poem be or do if it is a successful poem? Depends on your definition of "successful." Critically? Personally? Financially? 
2542. When you interpret a poem can each line mean anything you want it to? Probably not, unless it's far too vague to begin with. 
2543. Are you an orgasm addict? Nah. More of a connoisseur. (WTF?!) 
2544. Are you a sugar junkie? Nope
2545. WHAT are you DOING? Answering increasingly annoying and ridiculous questions while drinking tea and watching my landlord piss off the neighborhood by blocking the main street in town while he plows, sitting on my couch mid-morning because I have a snow day!! WHY aren't you marching in line with the rest of them? Although I am very good at it, I do not choose to march very often anymore. 
2546. Do you only hear what you want to? Uh, no. 
2547. Are you anal-retentive? No 
2548. In and Out Over and Under, Around and... ...through. 
2549. What was the last thing you returned to the store? A car-transmitter for my iPod. 
2550. Why ask why? So I don't make the same mistake again. 
2551. What is your favorite artist that is: jazz: Maynard Ferguson metal: At the moment, I can't get enough 3 Doors Down, which hardly counts but I'll use it anyway, just for comparison's sake. rock: Eh, Train? new wave: Depeche Mode psychedelic: I don't think I have a favorite that falls into this category. 
2552. What are your feelings about: Picasso? The later stuff, I like. Van Gogh? Soothing, maybe? A sense of communion. Michaelangelo? Meh. Too much the Peyton Manning of art, for me. D'Vincci? [sic] Good God, a survey this long and you can't even spell check?! Einstein? Just thinking about it hurts my head. Tesla? The metal band is good. 
2553. Who else can you think of that made a MAJOR contribution to art or science? Marie Curie 
2554. Who can you think of that made a major contribution to modern thought? Descartes 
2555. Why is it called 'Coca Cola'? Who cares? Seriously? If we're going to ask about invented names, the most fertile ground is car models. 
2556. Would you ever buy a Ford car? I don't count anything out. 
2557. Donald or Daffy duck? Donald is incomprehensible. Daffy is adorable. 
2558. What is the most memorable thing about Pee-Wee Herman? His fall from grace. 
2559. Lease or buy a car? Buy
2560. Have you met Real Talkin' Bubba? No Do you love him to death? It's becoming clear that I lead a life that is too intellectual for this survey. 
2561. Have you ever been in a situation where you weren't sure if you were seducing or being seduced? That is the *best* situation....
2562. Can you 'pinch an inch' on your belly? Yup 
2563. Have you ever been to: a temple? Yes a bar? Countless numbers. a massage parlor? Not in so many words. 
2564. Would you ever want to visit Thailand? It doesn't call to me at the moment, but I'm not counting anything out. 
2565. What culture are you fascinated by? Eh. 
2566. Have you ever worn a cape? Sadly, no. 
2567. What is the difference between 'nude' and 'naked'? "Nude" = classy, "Naked" = real. 
2568. What can you get for a dollar (.59 British pounds)? A Coke. 
2569. What makes you who you are? My cell phone, the color pink...and the sum total of my experiences + genetics. 
2570. How do you search for meaning in life? With a flashlight. 
2571. If your partner collected internet porn pictures of celebrities s/he thought was hot would that bother you? "Collected" is trouble. 
2572. You are alone with your lover's diary. What do you do? Ignore. It's a basic Golden Rule issue. 
2573. You read some and find out that a whhhiiillle back your lover had a crush on someone else, but you two were together. You both still hang out with this person. What do you do? Suffer in silence, because I got what I deserved. 
2574. Are you an old fart? Not. Ever. 
2575. What were your favorite things to do in the yard as a kid? Play kickball/baseball/whatever ball someone would play with me, sled, "love" my cat (i.e. pet her until she wanted to scream), hit a volleyball off the roof.... 
2576. Why don't people have more fun? Ego, fear, stupid priorities. 
2577. Have you ever wanted to have a pet skinned and turned into an article of clothing? Oh, my God. What pet? This is sick. What article of clothing? I would seriously rather poke my eye out with a fork. 
2578. Do I come off sounding normal, mildly irrational, blatantly insane or completely certifiable? "I", as in, me, Amy? I'm just a little weird. You, on the other hand, survey-writer, are juvenile, not particularly intelligent, and probably someone with whom I would have very little in common. 
2579. Did you ever feel that you were unable to function in society? Sure. 
2580. Is it nap time yet? Nah. I only just woke from a nap. 
2581. Do you have to have the space next to the door or can you walk from the other end of the parking lot and still be okay with the world? I usually park in the middle, approaching the far end of the lot. I'm fine with that. 
2582. Do you like trains? I don't have much feeling about them either way.
2583. What's in Hungary? Europeans. 
2584. Have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back? Yup. Has someone ever held you back? Definitely. 
2585. What do you think of the term, 'organized religion'? It describes what it's intended to describe. 
2586. What do you think of the name 'Orson'? It's not on my top-five Favorites list, but it has a certain Élan.... 
2587. What frustrates you? Traffic. 
2588. Winkin, Blinkin and Nod, one night, sailed off in a sea of dew... I could not care less. 
2589. Is ten dollars (5 pounds) a good price to pay for one lipstick? No, but I've paid it. 
Does anyone else remember when lipstick was, like, 2 or 3 bucks? Yup. 
2590. Are you ill? Not in any tangible way. 
2591. Where were you the night of.....oh hell, last night? Home, watching TV and blogging. 
2592. Do you pronounce the 'er' sound at the end of words (lookER or lookA)? Of course. 
2593. Do you drink only 100% juice? If I want juice, I drink whatever's there. There is a restaurant near here, though, that makes the best real orange juice. (Now my stomach's growling.) 
2594. Do you remember the bills you have to pay [today]...or even yesterday? Yes. 
2595. What duck? What the fuck? 
2596. Do you collect coins? Only for the intention of using them as money. How about stamps? Ditto - to mail stuff. 
2597. What's the best way to learn a new language? just try 
2598. Is God in you? Better God than The Dew. 
2599. Are you in God? I suppose. 
2600. Do you know which fork to use at a formal table setting? If it's only a matter of "which fork," no problem. If there are extras ("Why in the hell is there a shrimp fork and a grapefruit spoon here?!") I'll just delay until someone else lights the path. 
[from The Cat, naturally]

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