
in an effort to blow the fuses in Popeye's mind....

...a.k.a. #68
  1. Are you single? Regrettably....
  2. Do you hate your ex? Nah
  3. Why are you single or taken? The holes in my net are too large.
  4. What is one word to describe you? [In the spirit of AT&T's ad campaign]: intellicomplobsearching
  5. How many close friends do you have? a handful
  6. Do you cry a lot? By frequency, not by volume.
  7. Do you like being by yourself? Very much so
  8. Do you like to read? Yup
  9. Do you like to sniff markers? Not so much, but it happens every now and then.
  10. Do you like taking pictures? Yup
  11. Are you pale? Yes
  12. Do you like kids? Particularly with BBQ sauce
  13. Are you still not over someone? Not "still", but, yeah.
  14. Do you think you will be married by the time you're 18? Not even in an alternative universe.
  15. Who's your best friend? The C, D, and Fluffy
  16. Are you weird? Damned right!
  17. Do you know how to spell? Eh - I know, but I don't always obey.
  18. Do you think you're smart? Indubitably: I'm a genius! In fact, I'm the most brilliant person in the room.
  19. Are you annoyed easily? Only by the annoying.
  20. Are you conceited? Not more than I deserve to be.
  21. Do you like to dance? Yup, but only on a barstool.
  22. What do you think is so fun about MySpace? Watching young adults' fascination with something so blatantly public, treating it as if it's "personal." Can you say, "Dumb kids"?!
  23. What is your favorite movie? Today, Trust.
  24. Do you like taking surveys? Apparently so.
  25. Do you get bored easily? Huh? What were you saying?
  26. What kind of TV shows do you like? The ones on basic cable that aren't a complete insult to my intelligence.
  27. Would you ever dance naked in the rain? I haven't yet, but I definitely would.
  28. Who are you most anxious to see at your 10 year high school reunion? Looking back...I was eager to see the usual suspects (E & J.A., Sean, Jay, etc.) but I had the most fun with Scott, and Chris. If I had it to do again, I wouldn't do it. #20 is this summer, and I've yet to decide whether I'll attend.
  29. Are you a messy person? Only in certain circumstances. My car is spotless, but my desk at work is a horror.
  30. Do you lose things easily? Only in certain circumstances. At work, it happens almost daily. ("Where the fuck are my barcodes?!")
  31. Do you love your family? Love: yes. Like: most of the time, on an elliptically rotating basis.
  32. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Yes. That sounds so blasé, but it was a big fucking deal (to me).
  33. Where do you want to live one day? In a house with a pool table, good light for plants, a garage, and someone I choose not to live without.
  34. Do you like talking on the phone? It depends.
  35. Do you laugh at jokes just to be nice? All the damned time.
  36. Are you a clean freak? Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  37. Do you like church? In theory: yes. In practice: I believe I might be philosophically incompatible with organized religion.
  38. Do you drink? Yup. This morning I had tea. This evening I'm having beer. In between I drank water. I'm incorrigible!
  39. What's your favorite class and why? 'Inductive Reasoning'. It surprised me and changed my thinking. 'History of the Reformation' was the same way, but much more intellectually rigorous. And 'Intellectual Property', because it made me fall in love with the law in a lasting way.
  40. Do you hate someone? No. There are some people of whom I am very tired, though.
  41. If you do hate someone, why? Meh.
  42. Do you smoke? Only from my ears when I'm angry.
  43. Do you like to fight or argue? Yup, in the sense of 'argue' as in 'debate'. I also like to beat the everlovingfuck out of something occasionally, e.g. Whac-a-Mole.
  44. Have you ever been in love? Um, yeah.
  45. Have you ever cried watching a movie? Pretty often.
  46. Do you lie a lot? All the fucking time. In fact, I'm lying right now. (Does your brain hurt yet?)
  47. If you do lie a lot, why? It's easy, neat and clean, and avoids all sorts of hassles re: relationships with people and other equally annoying prospects.
  48. If you were the preferred sex, would you date yourself? Not in a million years. I'm a handful.
  49. Do you sometimes cry for no reason? No. I'm neither histrionic nor psychotic.
  50. Do you sometimes laugh for no reason? No. Ditto previous answer.
  51. Do you like the clothes you wear? I like the clothes, but I could definitely imagine a world in which they didn't look so odd on me.
  52. Do you think you were an ugly baby? You tell me; my profile picture is up and to the right.
  53. What do you want to be doing right now? Sleeping. It's been a long week already.
  54. Do you like Valentines Day? More than I ought.
  55. Do you miss someone? Yes. I'm sinking into a slightly drunken melancholy that I didn't really need tonight.
  56. Are you jealous of someone? Not exactly.
  57. Do you have a favorite place? Yes.
  58. What famous person would you want to be with if you could? I'd love to be the light in Ben's eye, at least for one evening.

[a La Cat]

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