
number 67

  1. Who are you? Amy
  2. Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? N/A
  3. Who is your crush, if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend? His name begins with 'U'
  4. Who are your siblings? G & [redacted]
  5. Who are three random cuties/hotties of the opposite sex? Ben Roethlisberger, Jet Li, Toby Keith
  6. Who is one person you wouldn't mind getting to know better? 'U'
  7. Who is someone you wish wasn't so confusing? Sleek
  8. Who is someone you wish lived closer? [redacted]
  9. Who is one celebrity you wouldn't mind dating? Ben Roethlisberger.
    (Note: This would need to occur in some ideal world where there was less than 11" difference between our overall height measurements, and we lived in the same city, and NFL quarterbacks were slightly less untrustworthy or prone to concussions.)
  10. Who is someone you wish you talked to more? The Cat
  11. Who is someone you wish you saw more? 'U'
  12. Who are your closest friends? The Cat, and Fluffy & Co.
  13. Who is someone you look up to? my brother
  14. Who is someone that inspires you? Heidi
  15. Who is your loudest friend? Matt (depending on his mood)
  16. Who is the last person you hugged? You don't want to know.
  17. Who is the last person you kissed? Ditto.
  18. Who is the last person you talked to in person? Fluffy
  19. Who is the last person you called? Matt
  20. Who is the last person who called you? Dad
  21. Who is the last person to IM you? The Cat
  22. Who is the last person to text you? Matt
  23. Who is someone you know that seriously just needs to grow up? Nick
  24. Who is the biggest trouble maker you know? Me
  25. Who is someone that needs to dress more modestly? Eh. I don't worry about it too much.
  26. Who is someone that goes to your church? Matt (theoretically)
  27. Who is someone in your neighborhood? Rob, Steve, Bob, Tim, Andy, Chris, and the rest of the SWC guys.
  28. Who is your favorite actor/actress? Jean Reno
  29. Who is your favorite singer/group? Sister Hazel
  30. Who is your favorite author? Alisa Kwitney, or Christina Bartolomeo, or Elinor Lipman, or David James Duncan, or....
  31. Who do you normally talk to on the phone with for the longest amount of time? Fluffy
  32. Who do you hang out with at lunch at school? My friend with whom I would be most likely to go to school (in any direction that I might choose to do that) is The Cat, so: The Cat.
  33. Who is the last person to spend the night at your house? Brian.
  34. Who named your pets? The last pets that I had, I named.
  35. Who bought your cell phone for you? I did.
  36. Who is someone you wish you could get away from? Nick
  37. Who is the friend you've known the longest (non-relative)? Jennifer
  38. Who was the last person you took a picture of? Sam
  39. Who is someone whose wedding you want to be in? If I'm in a wedding, it's likely to be my own.
  40. Who was your longest crush? J.A. In earnest, it lasted 10 years.
  41. Who do you know that is the best cook? Many of my friends are really good cooks, and some dishes really stand out. College BFF, for instance, makes *the best* cookies EVER. The Cat's breakfasts (be they waffles or cherry pie) kick ass. Fluffy's chicken noodle casserole is absolutely perfect. Maureen's Chicken Fricassee is the one thing that I try over and over to replicate but--though mine is good--I never quite manage it. The list goes on.
  42. Who is the most shy person you know? Probably Nick
  43. Who is the last person you hung out with? Coworker T (at work)
  44. Who is someone you are currently missing? Heidi, Mike, and Sam
  45. Who is someone who will fill this out after you? This probably dies with me.
[from The Cat, of course]

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