
who, when, what

  1. Name: Amy
  2. Birthday: autumn
  3. Where do you live: in a 2-BR apt on the busiest street in a small town near the biggest city in the Midwest.
  4. Right or Left handed: Right. Very right.
  5. Favorite color: Gray.
  6. Favorite sport: Baseball.
  7. Biggest Fear: That this winter's rain/snow/sleet/hail/cold stuff will never end.
  8. Status: Sentient.
  9. Do you have a crush on someone? Very much so.
Your last....
  1. Cigarette: N/A
  2. Beverage: Current ~ a bottle of Red Stripe
  3. Kiss: Sunday
  4. Hug: Sunday
  5. Movie seen: Last night ~ War, with Jason Statham and Jet Li. One of the best movies I've ever seen, and far and away the best car chase ever. Very bloody, gory, sad, beautifully shot and acted with great subtlety and unbelievable skill. I'm not exaggerating: see this film.
  6. CD played: Uncle Kracker, Double Wide
  7. Song listened to: "Heaven"
  8. Bubble bath: Last week sometime. Maybe Wednesday?
  9. Time you cried: Sunday
Eight Have-You-Ever’s
  1. Dated one of your best friends or wanted to? I was married to my best friend for several years.
  2. Skinny dipped: Yes.
  3. Kissed somebody and regretted it: All the damned time.
  4. Liked someone you knew you couldn’t have: That statement is a decent possibility for a subtitle for my memoirs.
  5. Been overseas: Not yet.
  6. Dressed in costume: Sure.
  7. Been drunk: At this very moment!
  8. Run away: Only from myself.
Two Things That You Wanted To Be When You Grew Up
  1. A photographer.
  2. A writer.
[from The Cat, who got it from Lisa]

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