
why '76', when there are 31?

  1. Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? Because he disparaged my personality, my age, and my location.
  2. Are you usually the heartbreaker or the heartbroken? Broken. Definitely.
  3. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Republic of Tea Apricot decaf. Before that, it was Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. (The Häagen-Dazs is better, Matt.)
  4. Name a quote from the song you are listening to:
    "Sometimes I feel, at the end of the day,
    was it all worthwhile, or have I settled for less?
    I sit back, and you're there by my side.
    'Sincerely,' you say,
    'we're both so blessed.'"
  5. How is life going for you right now? At this very moment, it's just fine.
  6. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No. I'm holding something, but it can stay in for a while.
  7. Who was the last person to comment you? The Cat: "mmrrrrowwwwhhhhh...purrrrrr"
  8. Regret(s)? Sure. Just today, even.
  9. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today? "Please. Stop. Hurting. Me." (My aching head was trying to take down the rest of me, and it nearly worked.)
  10. Do you have a best friend? Oh, yeah.
  11. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? Yup. Sara Rae fits this (and, in amazing irony, in the reverse). Little did I know....
  12. What do you think of people who have sex before marriage? I really don't think about other peoples' sexual choices all that much. This is really not an issue for me.
  13. Do you own a pair of green pants? No. I don't think that I ever have. I've always wanted Army-green cargo pants, though. Maybe Monday??
  14. Ever had the preferred sex over when no one was home? Yes, in every permutation that this could be considered. When I was in high school, Blake came over a couple of times when I was home alone. Once I moved out, there were all sorts of occurrences like this. Never when I was married. (Isn't that morally upright of me?) Very shortly after the divorce, Nick visited the place where I was staying—once—and didn't speak to me for a week or two afterward. (The whole concept freaked him out. But what didn't?!) And there have been two guys in my apartment when I was not here, which is truly "when no one was home."
  15. Do you believe that what comes around goes around? Generally, yes.
  16. What is your favorite fruit? Fresh peaches. Or raspberries.
  17. What is the last song to make you cry? "Epiphany" (Staind).
  18. Is your best friend pretty? Definitely.
  19. Have you ever passed out? It depends on your definition of "passed out." Probably, yes.
  20. Do you trust people easily? Unfortunately. I'm trying to "realign myself with 'my lawyer side'" so that it won't happen so readily, though.
  21. When was the last time you puked? I don't remember. I've never done it here, or at the crappy basement apartment or at the condo. I guess it must've been at the house, which would have been almost 3 1/2 years ago at the very most recent possibility.
  22. What's the thing that always gets you through the day? Caffeine. Or maybe music. No, seriously: me.
  23. Who do you miss? Heidi. Sam. Wolfgang. Johnnie. Dan. 'U'.
  24. Do you give out second chances too easily? Not anymore. I wish I could say "one strike..." like Johnnie did, but I'm clearly stronger now than I've ever been before.
  25. Where was your last car ride to and from? Work. Borrr-rrrring! The last time I rode in someone else's car was last night when Matt drove us to seek "snacks" (2 pints of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, hot fudge sauce, and movie-butter-pour-over popcorn) for Nip/Tuck.
  26. Where is one place you want to visit? I would love to go back to Miami. For someplace I've never been, it's an easy choice: Ireland.
  27. Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you? I am exceedingly fond of hugs.
  28. Had plans and broke them? Monday, but we're remaking plans as we speak. (Sorta.)
  29. Do you eat steak? Good God, yes!
  30. What are you feeling right now? Cold (feet), sore (back - I'm wrenched sideways in the chair), wistful and melancholy. And I'm thinking I could pee if I wasn't so lazy.
  31. Are you a lover or hater? Yes, I am.
[From The Cat]

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