
can, did, do, does, last, thing, who, currently, ever

  • Can you blow a bubble? Yup. I distinctly remember a summer evening at an outdoor concert, armed with several packs of sugary gum, my mom patiently teaching me the art.
  • Can you do a cartwheel? I probably could. I doubt that I would--my equilibrium is still touch-and-go.
  • Can you touch your toes? Yes. I'm very flexible, considering my overall out-of-shape-ness.
  • Can you wiggle your ears? No. My mom can. I wonder if she could teach me that?
  • Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Sigh--yes.
  • Did you ever want to be a doctor? No. I would make a fabulous diagnostician, but I would be terrible about relating to patients. (My own PCP is fantastic with both, and I love him to pieces.)
  • Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? Nope. I'm sure glad that someone did, though.
  • Did you ever want to be a teacher? Excuse me while I laugh myself into a coughing fit: not!
  • Did you ever break the law? Um, yeah. When I checked FindLaw for a quick list, I came up with 10--that's 10 different ones. Aren't you glad you know me?
  • Did you vote for Bush? My home state passport would have been revoked!
  • Do you like rollercoasters? They're fine from a distance.
  • Do you own a bike? No. I've had a sort of bad taste in my mouth re: bikes over the last few years.
  • Do you play the lotto? No, but I've been known to predict scratch-off "luck."
  • Do you like football? Sure. Especially now that I'm paying attention to #7. [Happy birthday, Ben!]
  • Do you have a shopping addiction? Only in the sense that it's my one opportunity to spend time with The Cat.... :( (awwwwwww!)
  • Does your family have family picnics? Yes. There's an annual weekend-long thing at my godparents' farm (she's my dad's middle sister), the first weekend in August. Anyone want to come? There's more than enough room, and food, and lame jokes, for everyone. We also do various things for Memorial Day, Independence Day, Father's Day, and any other day we can think of. It's summer in the home state--too hot to be indoors, especially with the threat of a winter like this hanging over our heads!--so we get out anytime there's even a half-assed excuse.
  • Does your wallet have any pics in it? No. Strange to think of that; this may be the first time in history that's been the case.
  • Does your job bring you satisfaction? Most of the time, lately. Some days, though, I'm an underpaid, overly-poo-covered monkey.
  • Does a soft answer turn away wrath? Not all the time. Funny--I had a dream about my [notoriously difficult] sister earlier this week, amidst the rest of the Fever Dreams. In this one, the 5 of us were hanging out for the first time in a very long time. Something tiny went slightly wrong (as is the case) and she went a little bonkers. Packed up to leave. Both my brother (the gentlest, most equanimical guy on the planet) and I followed her to her car--to punch her in the face. I woke that morning shaking my head. What the Hell? The truth is that no matter the answer, her wrath is there, under the surface, always. Nothing turns it away, just like nothing sets it off. It just...is.
  • Does sex mean love? No. Sex can be an expression of love, or it can be an expression of "God damn, I want that." Or it can mean "I'm bored." Or "I hate you." Or "I hate me." Or "I love Mondays." Or nothing at all.
    [Do you hear me, Universe? I get it!]
  • Last person you hung out with? Apart from my quality time with Dr. T on Thursday, I haven't hung out since last Monday night.
  • Last car ride? Home from the Clinic on Thursday. With someone else...out to dinner (or some other fooding event) with my parents last weekend.
  • Last text message? "Why lie? ... I'll txt you later."
  • Last baby you held? The cutest little pumpkin ever.
  • Last time you shaved? Monday afternoon. Isn't it strange how these things work out?
  • What was the last thing you bought? $60-some worth of prescription medications (thanks, insurance co-pays, for making that slightly less painful). And orange juice.
  • What was the last thing you had to drink? Numi White Nectar Organic Osmanthus Spring tea. It is "charmed by lush apricots"! And it tastes good, too. (Thanks for the introduction, H!)
  • What was the last thing you watched? Some law show or other, last night. Might've been a Law & Order of some sort.
  • What was the last thing you read? Today's Chicago Tribune. Online, I've read a few dozen blog entries (including today's Post Secrets) and several email messages, too. I'm holding off for the thrill of an OkC message for which I just received notification.
  • What was the last thing you hand wrote? I'm working on a letter to Heidi and one to college BFF and one to Sam.
  • Who last talked to you on the phone? Fluffy.
  • Who was the last person you took a picture of? Apart from my own attoo-tays, it was probably Adam.
  • Who was the last person to leave you a comment? The Cat. Are we surprised? Not that she says too much--the rest of you are frustratingly mute sometimes!
  • Who do you miss right now? I'm not 'appropriate for public viewing' right now. Still, I would be remiss if I failed to mention that Johnnie on my mind, as always. (Happy Birthday a little late, you.)
  • Who last hugged you? This is becoming a little annoying: Nick.
  • What color shirt are you wearing? White
  • Have any tattoos? Yes. Yes, I do. I have two.
  • Have you any piercings? Yup: 4.
  • Straight hair or curly? Barely wavy, on the best of days.
  • Where are you? My office (at home).
  • Failed a class? No, but I came very damned close before I dropped it.
  • Professed your love and been turned down? "Love"? No. Interest? All the fucking goddamned time.
  • Accomplished a life goal? Huh. I don't think I've ever thought about it this way before. I have, yes.
  • Thought you were pregnant? Um, yes. However, to my knowledge I have never been.
  • Sang in front of a crowd? There is a rumor that I did so (accompanied by Paul, on the rake) at a party in a shed during college. I do not recall having done so.
[from The Cat, of course]

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