
'cause I feel it

The Cat called this '115'.
  1. Who is the last person you had one of "those" kinds of dreams about? Not sure - it seems to have been a stranger, weirdly modeled on a ridiculously gorgeous guy stalking me on OkC.
  2. What kind of sense of humor do you have? Sly. It sneaks up on you. I don't think that anyone on the planet gets all of my jokes, with the possible exception of my former spouse.
  3. What was your last phone conversation about? I talked with Dad on Sunday re: the usual holiday stuff, the weather, etc.
  4. Do you watch Spongebob? Never
  5. What was your grade point average in high school? 3.6
  6. Where were you when you last did anything sexual? Home
  7. Would you ever do anything with someone who was just a friend? No
  8. What is one of your favorite movie quotes?
    Mathilda: Léon, I think I'm kinda falling in love with you.
    [Léon chokes on his milk]
    Mathilda: It's the first time for me, you know?
    Léon: [wiping himself off] How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?
    Mathilda: 'Cause I feel it.
    Léon: Where?
    Mathilda: [stoking her stomach] In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now... it's gone.
    Léon: Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more. I don't think it means anything.
  9. What song do you have stuck in your head right now? "Completely Pleased" (Semisonic) - it's on the CD player.
  10. Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings? Not in so many words, but I think it's pretty clear.
  11. How would your friends describe you? Intelligent, Complex, Searching, Observant, Witty, Knowledgeable
  12. Are you a good lover? Uh, maybe so.
  13. Would you kiss a really ugly person for $10,000? Sure. (What? I'm *broke*!)
  14. Have you ever been on the radio? Not individually
  15. What are you nervous about? At the moment, nothing.
  16. What are you doing tonight? Maybe starting my taxes. Watching NCIS. Finishing a letter to Heidi that's been on my desk forEVER. Changing my toenail polish.
  17. When is the last time you wanted to hit someone in their face? Not sure. Maybe Thursday? It's been a pretty decent week or so.
  18. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 4 3/4 or so. Not nearly enough; I'm exhausted.
  19. Are you capable of murder? Yes
  20. Are you pro life or pro choice? Yes. What sort of person would admit to being anti-life or anti-choice?
  21. What is the last thing you spent money on? A case of beer.
  22. When is the last time it snowed where you live? Friday
  23. Do you smoke cigarettes? No
  24. When is the last time you exercised? Today. Or Saturday?
  25. Do your initials spell out a word? No. If one tried to pronounce them, it would sound like a toddler's refrain.
  26. How many letters does your name have in it? 24 characters, 17 individual letters.
  27. Do you have younger siblings that get on your nerves? No. I have a fantastic older brother and an older sister who can make me scream and cry and kick things. I also have a sort of surrogate younger brother who alternately amuses, educates, entertains, and infuriates me.
  28. If you had to change your hair color what would you change it to? I think we're going with a darker red + lighter blond, the next time around.
  29. When is the last time you talked to an ex? Thursday, March 6th
  30. What song is playing? "Gone to the Movies" (Semisonic)
  31. Do you curse a lot? Yup
  32. Are any of your friends musicians? Yes
  33. What color are your shoes? Black (with splotches of salt)
  34. Do you think people get annoyed that you fill out surveys? I don't give a fuck. If you don't like it, don't read it.
  35. Do you think anyone really reads the surveys you fill out? At least one person does.
  36. How many friends do you have on MySpace? Probably hundreds, but my own space is more ethereal.
  37. If your friend count goes down, do you try to figure out who deleted you? Considering my answer to the last question, that's a sort of eerie thought.
  38. What scent are you wearing right now? Nicole Miller. It's pretty strong so I wear it very sparingly.
  39. What's going on tomorrow? Let's see. It's Wednesday. I guess I'll go to work, and perhaps to the doctor. Apart from that, I'm a homebody this week.
  40. Do you text a lot? Yes, unfortunately. I think I'm going to have to increase my monthly allotment.
  41. Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend? No - I know where he is, should I want him.
  42. Does anyone have a crush on you? Yes, and it's not going to end well.
  43. What was your last received text? "Got any beer?"
  44. Who's your last missed call? My dentist's receptionist
  45. What time is it? 14:12
  46. What's tomorrow? Wednesday, duh?
  47. Where was the last place you went? I guess that would be the liquor store, yesterday evening.
[from The Cat]

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