
more and more

  1. If you could push one person off a mountain, who would it be? That's easy: it's a 3-way tie between:
    • the person driving a CRV in front of me yesterday afternoon so fucking slowly that I had to shift into first gear to prevent my car from stalling. Speed limit: 30 mph. My speed behind them: 10 [ten!] mph;
    • the steady stream of cars driving past my parking lot yesterday toward the 4-way stop around 7:30 PM. None of them would wait for EIGHT GODDAMNED SECONDS for me to pull out in front of them, even thought it would have cost them no time at all, since I was turning left; and
    • the fucking irritating idiot in front of me in the turn lane when I was within spitting distance of my final destination, stopped, completely, at a green fucking light. When they finally did take their foot off the brake, they proceeded to travel...ten. miles. per. hour.
    I would gladly shove them all off that cliff!
  2. Name lyrics from the song you are listening to now?
    all this time I can't believe I couldn't see
    kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
    I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
    got to open my eyes to everything
    without a thought without a voice without a soul
    don't let me die here
    there must be something more
    bring me to life
  3. Do you still have clothes that belong to your ex? I have a Johnnie Walker t-shirt, and a RL Polo flannel shirt that was Dickhead's (though I took it for retribution rather than sentimental value!), and an Ocean Pacific t-shirt that is about 19 years old. There's probably something here that used to be the ex-spouse's, but I consider it mine now.
  4. Do you get attached to people easily? Yes. I am sticky and I have tentacles with suction cups on them.
  5. Have you ever been to California? No, I have not.
    Drove up to Hillside Manor sometime after two a.m.
    And talked a little while about the year
    I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower,
    Makes you talk a little lower about the things you could not show her
    And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe
    Maybe this year will be better than the last
    I can't remember all the times I tried to tell my myself
    To hold on to these moments as they pass
  6. Do you like roller coasters? Not even in theory.
  7. Who was your last comment from? [redacted]
  8. What's your favorite TV show? Without a Trace. I think Anthony LaPaglia is crazy in that role. Awesome.
  9. Have you ever seen the GOONIES? When I was about 15, I saw it at the theater. Probably with a gaggle of squealing blond girls. Ish.
  10. How many times have you been in love? 5x
  11. Do you have any pets? Nope
  12. Do you curse a lot? All the fucking time, except when I'm around my parents or when I'm working with anyone other than coworker T, Fluffy, or G. (They hear all of it!)
  13. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Groan, sigh, curse the gods, and poke in my contacts.
  14. What's your favorite season? Autumn
  15. Have you been on a date in the last 2 weeks? It really depends on your definition of "date". I would say...not exactly, but sorta.
  16. Are Chuck Norris jokes funny? Damned right! I was skimming a hilarious book with Fluffy last week, with such gems as: "Chuck Norris is tough enough to kill a bear with his bare hands, but so gentle that he can cradle a baby to sleep in his arms." I was nearly crying with laughter!
  17. What's your favorite food? Cereal.
  18. What's the last movie you saw in the theater? Juno, which was extremely good.
  19. Can you live without the computer? "Live"? Yes. "Live happily"? Probably not.
  20. Do you hide your emotions? Uh, no. I just laughed out loud, imagining it.
  21. What is your favorite movie? Trust
  22. Do you like chick flicks? I guess, though I love bloody, gory action, too.
  23. When was the last time you got flowers? I bought 3 bunches of tulips on Friday afternoon. (See next post for proof.)
  24. Who was the last person you were in a moving vehicle with? Matt.
  25. Best kind of pizza? World Famous, Canadian bacon. Or--ooh!--Rosati's chicken, onion, and extra cheese.
  26. Would you take care of your friends while they're sick? Of course. What a dumb question. I have, and I will.
  27. What was the last CD you purchased? Nickelback Silver Side Up, Train (self-titled), and 3 Doors Down, Seventeen Days. (I got them all at once.)
  28. When was the last time you dyed your hair? Personally? Probably 23 or so years. Lori did it on Feb. 13. (April 9 is our next appt., if y'all want input.)
  29. Do you have plans for this weekend? This coming? Uh, no. I'm contemplating going to the home state - I've been spring cleaning (if that's an appropriate way to explain the dervish of denial that I've been lately) and in so doing have accumulated several things (OK, several boxes of things) that I'd like to store in my parents' basement - or maybe I'll stay home and pierce something. Who knows; weekend is a long way off.
  30. What is a band/singer you will always love? Prince
  31. Have you ever watched a movie drunk? Hell, yeah. Most recently (And notably) El Orfanato, which was a fucking trip. I seem to recall never having watched [Monty Python's] The Life of Brian fully sober, too. (Either? Whatever.)
  32. Do you wish at 11:11? I'd never heard of this concept until the memes started asking. In other words: no.
  33. Do you have any piercings? Just two in each ear. Sigh.
  34. Last person you hugged? Sam.
  35. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? My after-prom party, which was a concert featuring Limited Warranty. I've also slept - fully clothed - while sitting on a toilet in the building in which I worked on campus during undergrad. Several times. Usually not just hung over but still drunk.
  36. What are you wearing on your feet? New Balance ankle socks. It's finally a little cool up here, unlike most of the day, which was *sunny* and *warm*!
  37. Who was the last person you laid in bed with? Ulysses
  38. What is your natural hair color? Whatever color my eyebrows are. Dirty Squirrel, maybe?
  39. How many people have you texted today? Three
  40. Who is your best friend? Today? Me.
  41. What is your current conversation about? Uh, what? Is this some irritating MySpace or Facebook thing?
  42. Do you have a crush on someone? I think we're a bit beyond that.
  43. Where were you 2 days ago? Friday at 10:00, I was fucked-up drunk, alone, and maybe a half hour away from passing out. I mean, going to sleep. It's been a weeeeeeeird weekend.
[from The Cat]

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