

  1. Have you ever felt replaced? Probably. Not terribly recently, though.
  2. Are you only friends with the rich? My friends are rich in friends.
  3. What kind of cellphone do you have? Motorola i850/Nextel
  4. Last person who called you, and what do you think about him/her? Kathy, reminding me to move my car before the seal-coating started last Saturday. I like Kathy a lot.
  5. Last time you shopped at Abercrombie/Hollister? Sigh. Never.
  6. What school did you attend in elementary? it begins with W
  7. What scent are you wearing right now? something by VS
  8. How do you feel about gay marriage? me likey
  9. Do you like your school? At the moment, I do not "have" a school.
  10. What are you thinking about? How bleeping windy it is, making stuff fly around my apartment. (I'm writing this on Tuesday evening, 6-17-08.)
  11. Do you dislike liars? No, I like them very much. Best with maple syrup and snausages on the side. Duh?
  12. Where did you last go out to eat? Parkway with The Cat & Sparky. In April.
  13. How is life going for you right now? Apart from the abject poverty, things are going swimmingly.
  14. Do you trust your best friend/friends? Sure
  15. Do any of your best friends/friends annoy you? Not really. I don't think I see them often enough to allow it.
  16. Would you get married if you could right now? No.
  17. Where is your number one person on your friends list? If I had such a thing, she'd be in Minnesota.
  18. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to in person? [redacted]
  19. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? Warm, thanks.
  20. What do you wear more jeans, sweatpants, or slacks? Jeans. By the way - what is a "slack"?
  21. Do fish have feelings? Physically, yes. "Emotionally", no.
  22. Would you rather watch football or baseball? Baseball, please.
  23. Do you feel like dancing? Not so much.
  24. Do you burn easily in the sun? Yes.
  25. What made you happy today? 30 dozen messages from the Diz (who is *so* not dizzy!).
  26. Who were the last people to hug you at work? Uh, I don't know. Probably Fluffy?
  27. Have you ever kissed someone with braces? Yes, but it's been a VERY long time.
  28. What is the wallpaper on your phone? Sharks, circling.
  29. Ever kissed a blue eyed blond haired person? Yes.
  30. What was the best thing that happened to you last year? My niece's son.
  31. Who is the eighth person in your phone book? The Canadian Bodybuilder. hee!
  32. Have you ever taken a shower while you were drunk or high? Yes. Love it!
  33. Are you currently pregnant/have you recently gotten someone pregnant? Each is quite impossible.
  34. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Not in so many words.
  35. Are your parents in love? I shudder to think.
  36. Who is in your house right now? Just us chickens.
  37. Have you ever thought you were gonna die? Yes
  38. Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong? I'm never wrong, and even if I was, it's none of your business.
  39. What color is your laundry basket? Blue.
  40. Does your coat contain fur? No.
  41. What are you listening to? Traffic, the breeze, and my tummy rumbling for more pasta.
  42. What are your favorite colors? Blue, black, and gray.
[snarfed from The Cat]

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