
chemical perfection

    Holy God, I now understand why people develop addictions to drugs. I have taken one of my thirty Fioricet, and I'm already in love. I would marry this drug. I would give up my own (or anyone else's) first-born child for this stuff. About 7 minutes after taking that one happy pill, I was asleep for a 2-hour period for the first time in five days. Do you know what that means?
    Yes, my doctor gave me what-for about the dangers of this drug. Yes, I am forbidden to take more than two doses in a row. Yes, I realize that addiction is at least partially genetic, and that I have a genetic predisposition. Yes, I will be careful.
    But, holy shit, my headache's gone, and I slept for 2 hours.
    I am a happy camper!

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