
in which I claim my friend Tom

  1. Are you moody in the morning? Early morning, I range from "meh" to grumpy. I wouldn't really call that "moody."
  2. Have you ever behaved like a stalker? I think we've adequately covered this in Comments.
  3. Do you appreciate other people's opinions? Most of the time, no.
  4. Does baby corn freak you out? Quite the contrary, I *love* baby corn.
  5. Can you lie and keep a straight face? Of course.
  6. Have you ever feared for somebody else's life? Yes
  7. Do you prefer honesty, even when it hurts? Definitely. Do you hear me? DEFINITELY!
  8. Have you ever consulted a psychic? No, but I initially thought this said "psychotic", which made it a lot funnier.
  9. If yes, do you consider yourself a moron? n/a
  10. Does the opposite sex's BO turn you on? BO? No. Ineffable scent, of which 'clean sweat' is one element? Sometimes.
  11. Have you ever stayed in a relationship out of habit? Um, yeah, but that was a while ago.
  12. Have you ever deliberately not told someone that they had something in their teeth? If I didn't particularly care whether they looked like that, then, sure. I'm a firm believer in personal responsibility. That being said, I wouldn't ever do that to a friend.
  13. What was the best decision you ever made? To finish my thesis after pecking away at it for 7 or so years.
  14. Do you have a father- or mother- complex? I don't think so.
  15. If you could pick your own pet name, what would it be? The great majority of the time, it just doesn't work that way.
  16. Have you ever masturbated while driving? God, no.
  17. How do you feel when someone takes the last of something? Depends on the someone and the something.
  18. How do you feel when people tell you "Bless you" or "gesundheit" when you sneeze? I don't find it terribly necessary, and it usually passes without "feeling" at all - it is a meaningless social transaction.
  19. What are you supposed to say when somebody coughs? "eeeeeeew, gross!"
  20. Do you care what's going on in the world? To a certain extent.
  21. Do you pronounce a second "R" in "sherbet" or an "R" in wash? I *loved* sherbert as a kid. Thought it was somehow Muppet-related.
  22. Do you throw temper tantrums? Yes, at work. I get VERY hot-headed sometimes, rant like a nutcase, and then come back down. My officemates are very tolerant of this (probably more than they should be).
  23. Have you ever committed a violent crime because of a video game or rap song? No. Psychological studies have disproved the alleged connection between suggestive media and subsequent individual actions.
  24. Have you ever actually overheard one of your friends talking shit about you? Sure
  25. How many partners is too many? Depends on the dance.
  26. Do you know what the "Myspace Angles" are? No, and I don't care.
  27. Is Tom still your friend? If yes, why? hee hee hee - Tom will always be my friend!
  28. Do you have a sponge frog next to your sink? No
  29. Do you believe that wearing an aluminum foil hat will stop the government from reading your thoughts? The government doesn't give a shit what we're thinking, as long as we're paying.
  30. Would you rather have a hook for a hand or a peg leg? I'll take a peg leg, but I'll also keep my own two human ones. I'll hang it on the wall above the door to my apt., as a reminder to be more careful.
  31. Do you tip the carhops at Sonic? I would, if I went.
  32. Have you gotten drunk specifically to lower your inhibitions? Of course. Duh?!
  33. How close does someone have to be for you to feel obligated to wait and hold the door for them? Depends on who it is and where I am. Old people & little kids get more time. Mean people don't get anything at all. And so forth.
  34. Do you give "breaks" to people who don't deserve them? (i.e. are you a sucker?) Of course. It's part of getting along in life as an adult. It sucks sometimes, but in the end it means that I get breaks that I don't deserve sometimes, too.
  35. Have you ever been walked in on? Yes
  36. Honestly, do you think you're better than everyone? At certain discrete things, yes.
  37. What do you take to a pot luck? Depends. Anything from lasagna to a bag of chips.
  38. Do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose? Not unless I'm going to be quizzed about it later (i.e. if I'm ill in a respiratory way and know that the dr. will ask about it).
  39. How do you know when you are an adult? I cut a limb and counted the rings.
  40. What is your cure for the hiccups? Scaring the bloody bejeezus out of she who hiccups. Works every time.
[from The Cat]

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