

    Someone I used to know, who lived a couple of time-zones away from me, made a habit of regularly calling or texting while driving home late at night. In so doing, I would be awakened, and kept awake. At the time, it was, if not annoying, certainly...disruptive. It was not long before I began to anticipate the calls, however, and eventually to appreciate them. Of course, in the period since then, the appreciation has overtaken the sense of disruption, and the nostalgia has weakened any memory of grumbling lack of sleep or discomfort later. I just miss it.
    This is not a request for random late-night text messaging. If anything, it's intended prescriptively: consider that the things that you choose to do, or not do, matter. Prehaps not to you, but someone else may be affected in a way you don't even realize.

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