
we would have such a very good time

    Photos from the rat-hole! Standing in the kitchen, shooting westward toward the vanity (hard left through that doorway [with vinyl accordion "door"] to bathroom). Yes, there would have been more space in the hallway if John hadn't stored his bike there. Eventually, there would be a cooler with a toaster oven parked in the middle of that hallway, too...because if it was plugged in on the kitchen circuit, it blew fuses in the girls' apartment upstairs.
    Wave 'Howdy' to Dick Head!
    This is essentially the same shot but from about three feet further East. This shows our "breakfast bar," and Ann in what remained of the living room after it was chopped in half to make Head's kennel.
    This is the room that Ann & I shared. The photo is taken from my shelf (i.e. "bunk"), facing East. Please note the exceptionally large, furry rubber spider dangling from the light fixture. For the entire year, John and I tormented each other with that spider. He planted it in my underwear drawer. I put it inside his pillowcase. He replaced the contents of my cereal box with it. I tied it loosely to the business end of the shower head. You get the picture. Judging by the look on her face, Ann was weary of our shenanigans when this photo was taken.
    More to come - it's taking a while to sift through the old pics.

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