
my own internal breakfast club

  • Do you wear black eyeliner? When I can be troubled to wear eyeliner, it's black.
  • How much black clothing do you own? Probably 75% of my wardrobe is black. Don't like it? Fuck off.
  • Do you think about death often? What's 'often'? No, seriously: probably not that much.
  • Do you want to die? No sooner than necessary, but I'm not holding out, either.
  • Are you a social outcast? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Thank God.
  • Are you pale? Yup, though I don't seek it out.
  • Do you cut? Myself?!? Eeew!
  • Do you like Hot Topic? Hot Topic makes me almost intolerably weary. I put up with it once or twice a year with The Cat.
--Skater Punk--
  • Can you skateboard? Doubtful.
  • How often do you go into Pac Sun? Never.
  • What's your sneaker brand? Depends on the purpose for the "sneakers," which is a word that I would never spontaneously use.
  • Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? Generally, yeah.
  • Are the long skater cuts hot? I've been known to fall prey to the skater look once or twice, but it's been a while.
  • How much do you get in trouble? Not very often, but when I do it usually burns deep.
  • Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"? You do know that's spelled 'poseur,' right?
  • How many piercings do you have? Six, at the moment.
  • How often do you say the word "like"? Now and then. I mix it up some.
  • Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch? The Cat won't let me. *pout*
  • Are the A&F models hot? Never been a big fan of models. Prehaps that's something to consider.
  • How many purses do you own? Dunno. Four? Six? There are two that I use fairly regularly - and the origin of one comes as a shock, apparently.
  • Is lipgloss a must? Lipgloss is irritating as hell with long hair, but needs must when the devil drives.
  • How often do you wear makeup? To varying degrees, most of the time...usually.
  • Ever had a manicure? Yes.
  • Rock music is bad, right? Bite your tongue.
  • Are you ever ditzy? Uh, no.
  • Do you own high heels? Yes.
  • Have you ever said "Oh my gosh"? Not in recent memory.
  • Are you a cheerleader? Never.
  • Is your hair long? Longish. Now and then I think about letting it get longer...and then it flies in my eyes on a windy day.
  • Are you a vegetarian? Not even close.
  • Do you own a tie-dye shirt? Not since college. See "black," above.
  • Do you want peace? Only on my terms.
  • Do you want to save the animals? Yes.
  • What do you think about the war? I try not to. [No, this is not a serious answer.]
  • Have you ever made a peace sign with your two fingers? I generally just make a V. Or "two."
  • Are you from the ghetto? Not even relatively.
  • Do you own "bling bling"? I have bling. I do not duplicate.
  • What do you think about do-rags? *snicker*...memories!
  • Do you like rap? Some of it is wonderful--like pretty much any genre.
  • How about hip-hop? Yeah, that too.
  • Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? It's all in the ear of the beholder.
  • What do you think about afros? I try not to. For most people, that's a nasty, nasty look.
  • Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'? Yes, and I almost immediately regret it.
  • How about 'oh, snap son'? God, no.
  • Is life a party? Sometimes yes; sometimes that could not be more wrong.
  • How often do you get drunk? Now and then. I occasionally think that I need to drink much more heavily, much more often. (But Never. Ever. EVER. Tequila. Ever. Again.)
  • What's the point of getting drunk anyway? Lubrication.
  • Do you care about your grades? Yes.
  • Do you need attitude adjustment? Yes. Who doesn't?
  • How far have you been? All the way, baby. [now the Cat can roar, too]
  • How often do you cry? It's not something that I schedule. I'm not a big cry-er but when it happens, good luck stopping it.
  • Do you have an ex? Yup. Maybe more than 'an.' Timeline may be forthcoming.
  • Do you have an acoustic guitar? No--and that renders one emo? Srsly?
  • Are you emotional? I prefer "sensitive."
  • Do you like soft music? Depends.
  • Do people understand you? Nah. I mumble (though not as badly as, y'know, The Mumbler).
  • Do you write your own songs? Hee. Hee hee hee! No.
  • Is your hair dyed dark? There are brief periods of dark within the hazy blondish.
  • Do you play any sports? I like the indoor sports. Oh, seriously--like pool.
  • How important are they to you? Sports, or jocks?
  • How important is your reputation? It matters. Maybe not as much as, say, oxygen, but it matters.
  • Do you pick on the geeky kids? Yup. I'm ecumenical in my picking, though.
  • What do you think about football? mmm, Big Ben...
  • Are you considered a bully by anyone? Definitely. Four out of five coworkers chose me to win a theoretical single-elimination fight-to-the-death tournament!
  • Do you wear glasses? Very rarely. Vanity, thy name is 'Amy'. In other words, if you've seen me wearing them, then you know me *extremely* well.
  • Do you get good grades? almost good enough
  • Are you smart? Naturally!
  • Do you use an inhaler? No.
  • Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? Pens in my hair or behind my ear all the time. Calculators? Who carries calculators??
  • Does your mom buy your clothes? Never. Ever.
  • How often are you on the computer? Now and then. Less than before.
  • Do you get picked on? Not ever.
[from The Cat]


  1. I am Cat, hear me roar.

    Also, why'd you change the "hott"s?? Too scawy fow you? :-)

    No double f in Word Verification: ormoomog They do like double letters, though.

  2. "ormoomog"--I think I've heard you say that while yawning, just before "good morning."

    I refuse to believe that "hott" is a word, or the 'word' that was intended. 'Hawt' I will accept. "Hott"? Not.
