
wtF?! you could put an eye out with that!

    Discovered while scrolling through Amazon's featured New Age music, at work, for work, earlier this afternoon:
    Sexy Romantic & Divine, eh? After I was done choking with helpless laughter, I had to question whether my own definitions of those words--particularly the first and last--coincide with the rest of the world's. No conclusions yet.


  1. Doesn't fit my definition of the second word either.

    Is he really ORANGE?

  2. C: sweet & juicy...yup, orange!

    D: that's what she said! ;)

  3. it's the left boob and the creepy underpants that weird me out.

  4. It's extremely funny that they clipped in the text box so that it looks like his right boob is sort of leaning on it.

    How 'bout the ropy veins going through his left biceps and hand? Has our man experimented with some 'roids?

    Underpants: no. comment. {ahem}
