
bed is a bundle of paradoxes

  1. Have you ever had a recurring dream? If so, what was it?
    I have a recurring nightmare. "Recurring" may be too strong a word for it. I dream it at psychologically appropriate times.
  2. What’s your most memorable dream?
    *snort* There have been many. I had one last night that seemed weird until a couple of hours ago.
  3. How many hours sleep do you get each night?
    Between 4 and 15 hours, usually.
  4. What time do you get up on a school day?
    Sometime between 7:23 and 8:35.
  5. How many times have you stayed up all night?
    A dozen, maybe?
  6. Have you ever got so drunk that you don’t remember going to bed?
    Hell yeah--didn't recall the finer points, anyway. I'm not prone to blackouts, though.
  7. What do you normally do last thing before going to bed?
    Write in my journal.
  8. Does coffee wake you up?
    No, since I don't drink it.
  9. Does vodka put you to sleep?
    Not hardly. One of my college roommates claimed that vodka made her angry, though. I think it was an excuse to hit people. (She also claimed--loudly--that wine coolers made her horny.)
  10. Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to how you started?
    I move around a lot, but I don't "wriggle" and when I wake, I'm oriented the same as when I headed to bed (i.e. head on pillow, feet at the other end).
  11. What was the last time you shared a bed?
    Discretion is the better part of valor.
  12. Do you tend to dream about reality or complete fantasy?
    A psychologist that I used to know once claimed that "dreams are simply random neural firings"--in other words, a smorgasbord of the stuff you've experienced throughout your day, randomly thrown together. He started to doubt his own theory when he had to admit that he'd begun dreaming about the way that my hair smelled. Nothing is as simple as it seems, eh?
  13. How long do you remember your dreams for when you wake up?
    I remember lots of my dreams in perfect clarity.
  14. Which is worse – being too hot in bed or too cold?
    Too hot, especially my feet. *Hate* that feeling.
  15. How many pillows do you sleep with?
  16. What was your biggest nighttime fear as a child?
    I don't recall anything that was specifically "nighttime." I had a couple of big, nasty fears that did nonstop duty, I guess.
  17. What’s under your bed?
    Gift wrap, board games, a subcategory of clothing, and a flashlight.
  18. What do you wear in bed?
  19. Do you read in the evening, the morning, or not at all?
    I read all the damned time, but very rarely in bed.
  20. Do you eat in bed?
    In a pinch, usually when I'm either drunk or hung over. I used to, back in the Popeye era, eat ice cream while talking on the phone in the middle of the night. Those were good days.
[from The Cat, of course, who got it here - and they got it from here; quote by Charles Caleb Colton]

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