
but you've felt this way all along

    pale ninja
  • Can you answer all of these questions honestly? yup. I'm not saying that I will, but I can
  • Could you handle being married to the last person you messaged/commented? no clue - it's someone on FB that I've never met face-to-face. What I know of him I like very much, but it's remained what I might term a 'close acquaintanceship' at best
  • Show us the last picture you uploaded. [at right] it was my FB profile picture for a week or so
  • Can you honestly say you're okay right now? sure
  • Do you have good vision? correctable to 20/20
  • Do you know anyone with a cute laugh? let's just say, I remember someone whose laugh was the best sound on Earth
  • How do you feel about answering personal and/or intimate questions? I sometimes do it without making it obvious that I've done so.... Guess that means I'm at least somewhat comfortable with it.
  • What's your favorite food of your culture? depends how we're defining "my culture." By blood I'm roughly half and half, Norwegian and English. Norwegian food makes me want to hurl, and English food is nothing to write home about (so to speak). My mom's a great cook; by familial 'culture' my favorite food is roast beef, far and away. I consider myself at least slightly Puerto Rican, by choice and osmosis, and my favorite food from that cuisine (that I've managed to accomplish) is chicken fricassee. It's about time I make that, too. Late June, I think.
  • Has a guy ever seriously punched you more than once? only my brother
  • What videos are on your iPod? heh...there's something about meerkats, a Breakfast Club clip, a Monty Python bit, some Mythbusters, and also some, er, amateur stuff that shall not be discussed further
  • Have you ever doubted that love exists? no
  • Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for? no
  • Who do you regret meeting? only and always Nick
  • What fictional character do you wish was real? Everett Chance
  • Are you a bad influence? yes
  • What were you last late for? work, duh
  • Have you ever thrown water at a mirror with the lights off? ummm, no
  • If you had to choose someone to sleep next to every night, and wake up to every morning; who would it be? right at this moment, who would I chose? Brian from Mad-town. Why? 'Cause we slept well together, even though I wanted to kill him and he wanted desperately to be anywhere other than where I was. That's a strange compatibility that would lend itself to good sleep over time. Screw the rest of it—and, seriously, my other options are probably a hell of a lot worse.
  • Day been rough? nah. Today I've finished a book of short stories (A Relative Stranger [by Charles Baxter, who wrote The Feast of Love], my second book of the trip so far), taken about 5 naps, and watched a movie (To Have and Have Not, with Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall). That's a good day.
  • What are you majoring/did you major in? History & Law
  • What was the last thing that made you laugh? an email message from the Mumbler
  • Favorite flavor of Jell-o? pineapple
  • Do you secretly still watch cartoons? not so secretly, I'll watch The Simpsons now and then
  • Do you look decent when you wake up? depends. I have my moments.
  • Does seeing couples in love make you mad?
    Love love, kiss kiss... blah blah blah
    You're making me sick, I wish you'd just stop
    Showing off for the rest of us
    That no one wants to love...
    [from "Love Love, Kiss Kiss" by Alkaline Trio]
    In other words: fuck, yes. Sometimes, it does, indeed.
  • What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? yawn and shrug. What's new?
  • Is anyone falling for you? seems likely
  • What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? see a couple of posts ago. What's fascinating about this question, suddenly?
  • What can you hear right now? clocks, and a jet. Weird, that.
  • Do you prefer quizzes or surveys? whatever. I sometimes like my posts to be directed in some way—especially since I'm getting almost no feedback from readers, so I have little clue whether this is working or not. Hi Cat & Molly! :)
  • Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? no
  • Do you feel alone even in crowded rooms? of course—sometimes I am alone in crowded rooms.
  • What is the worst thing a person could do to you and still be forgiven? sorry, I do not create "get out of jail free" cards for just anybody
  • What are you doing tomorrow? breakfast with the parents, then driving north on the river road to the toy store, hoping to find something unique and wonderful for college BFF's daughter (the 9-y-o!)'s birthday and a hat for Farmer E. If there's time, I'll meander back through the towns along the river and get some pictures.
  • Were you single over the summer? last summer, I was in the odd position of being ardently 'courted' from afar while also being pursued locally (albeit by someone not in a position to be pursuing). So...yeah, no, sort of?
  • How late did you stay up last night? 1-ish
  • Can you read other people's expressions? can, and do
[from The Cat, who got it here]


  1. "Pineapple"?? I nearly brought up a kidney on that one.

  2. What, you don't like pineapple?

  3. Love pineapple--that was my lunch today in fact--but pineapple JELLO?!

  4. *shrug* - I like it even better in the form of Jell-O shots. :)

  5. Everett Chance!! Yes!! Though, I think I'd be more mesmerized by Pete though he'd irritate me in the end.

  6. Everett is probably even more 'you' than 'me' - but I still wish he was real.
